

1 John 4:14 “And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.”

As Christians, I believe our Father wishes us to not just to accept Jesus as our Savior, to bring Him into our heart, but also that we go to the mountain top, to our friends, neighbors and the guy next to you in line at the grocery store, and share the glorious news.

I find this next part funny.  Just as with any parent child relationship, if our parents want us to do something we are likely going to procrastinate, complain and avoid the one thing they ask of us.  Oh eventually we’ll do it, but begrudgingly.  Let’s take for instance, practicing.  Most of us have had a sport or an instrument that we enjoyed playing but did not care for the hours of preparation needed behind the scene.  Our parents ask, sometimes even tell us, “go play the trumpet 15 more minutes” or “let’s get 30 more swings in”.  We stomped, mumbled, whined or possibly a little of each of them as we went ahead and did what we were told.

Then one day, you’re up at the plate, 2 outs 2 on, bottom of the 9th.  You dig in and look to the mound at an imposing figure.  All of a sudden, the ball is headed your way.  Everything is now in slow motion and you think back to your dad hollering out, “come on just 30 more swings”, and realize he was preparing you for this moment.  Confidence builds…and then the realization, your folks were right, practice is important.

Our heavenly Father is asking us for just 30 more swings, 15 minutes on the piano.  I’ll be honest; I have found it difficult to share with others the good news.  I’ve mumbled, whined and maybe stomped a bit.  However, it’s easier now than it was and every time I tell my stories of how I came to Him, how He rescued me on several occasions, I find myself filled a bit more with confidence, with the Spirit.  The light, the fire of God burning brighter than it ever has before!

Today, as you’re going through the mundanes, don’t be shy, take a few minutes to tell someone about the grace He offers us all.

 Father, I don’t always want to do what You want me to, for that I am sorry. Today, give me the words to share Your love with another…Amen

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