A Foggy Start

securedownload[1]A Foggy Start

John 8:12 Jesus spoke to the people again, saying, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me won’t walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

As I was driving in this morning, I looked around. It was dark – not even a star visible.  The sun not yet visible on the horizon, the road in front of me was hazed with a thin veil of fog.

The sun finally began to break through the haze about half-way through my trip, and as it moved higher on the horizon, the road became easier to see and the direction I was going became clearer.

It’s like that in life as well. Without the Son, life is foggy, the road is hard to see and the direction you’re heading is not clear.  It’s not until the Son begins to shine in your life, until He is higher and more prominent, that the fog begins to lift, the path becomes better defined and you know the direction you should travel.

Today can be the day you begin clearing the fog that is covering your life’s direction and purpose, just let the Son shine on you.

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