

2 Corinthians 4: 15  All these things are for your benefit. As grace increases to benefit more and more people, it will cause gratitude to increase, which results in God’s glory.

If you’ve attended a church service at any time in your life, there has probably been some mention of grace.  As a kid, the first time I heard the term I immediately thought of it as the prayer said before a meal.  As I grew older, I heard the term thrown around, but no real definition given.

Now I say no real definition, but that’s not completely true.  I’d hear this or that but it never really sank in until I did a little reading myself.  What grace boils down to is this; a love that is unearned with absolutely no expectation that it will ever be returned.  It’s the love your parent(s) showed you; the love you’ve shown your child; the love shown to a partner or to a sibling, (including when they’ve put Vaseline in your hair brush or scarred you shin for life).

God’s Grace is an amazing gift He’s given to us since the beginning of time. The most obvious example is the death of Jesus Christ on the cross so that we might all someday live in His kingdom.  Stop and imagine the many gifts you’ve been given – yes including the scar on your shin.  He has given you so very much.  So let me ask; Is it too much to ask that the next time you face a difficult situation that you show Grace to the person you’re dealing with? I’m talking His Grace, a love and understanding – without any expectation that it will be returned.  A kind word, a pleasant tone, an open mind and loving heart.

The next time a car cuts you off, or you hear the angry tone of voice in response to a  question or any situation, try taking a deep breath and calling on our Father for a little help.  “Father, I’m facing a trying situation and I need Your help, I need Your strength.  Give me the ability to show Your Grace through my actions.”

Look, I’m gruff, opinionated and “determined” but if I can do it just 1 time a day, or maybe in 1 situation a week, then I can make a difference not only in my life but in the lives of others.  Give it a try, I mean really, what do you have to loose?

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