

Psalms 25 4-6  Make your ways known to me, Lord; teach me your paths.  Lead me in your truth—teach it to me—because you are the God who saves me.  I put my hope in you all day long.  Lord, remember your compassion and faithful love—they are forever!

As a man, I tend to fit into the stereotype – I don’t like asking for directions or asking for help.  I tend to feel as though it’s a mark against my man card.  That all being said, I’ve noticed that this stubbornness (I like to call it determination) has infiltrated society, crossing gender boundaries more and more.

It’s so difficult to admit you’re going through a difficult time and you need help.  Can you remember the last argument you and your partner had in which they may have brought up a very valid point about one of your habits?  It may have been done in the most loving manner, yet what did you do – snapped their head off instead of taking a breath, accepting their words and asking “Father, I know I need help with this, let me accept the guidance and help they’re offering”.

And as a couple or individually, think about financial problems.  How sensitive are we about others finding out that for no fault of your own, ends aren’t meeting, the IRS is sending you letters, or you’ve found out that your company is downsizing?  Rather than hording the pain of the situation like a miser holds onto his gold, why not ask, “God, I can’t handle this on my own, please direct me and guide me by Your words, and through Your people”.

This isn’t like sending a text message to a dear friend (likely you’ll not get an immediate response) but He will act on His time and in His way.  So, when you’re facing a situation you don’t feel like anyone will understand, take a moment, take a breath and pray.

“God, I’m facing something I just don’t know how to handle.  Please give me wisdom, give me words, give me patience and give me guidance.  I leave this in Your hands. Amen”

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