Just a Hem

Just a Hem

Mark 5:27  Because she had heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his clothes.

As I was sitting at my desk this morning, I looked down and saw the hem on my pants, and the story of this woman came to me.  It’s a story of a woman who had been sick for a number of years.  She’d spent that time seeing doctors, looking for relief, yet she continued to be sick and in fact, getting worse.

With faith in all that she’d heard, she went to see Jesus and be healed.  The crowd was so great she could do nothing but reach out and just barely touch the hem of His robe.  Instantly, she was healed.

I think of the many times I’ve had a struggle in my life.  The times I was sick – not just physically, but broken spiritually from a change or a loss in my life.  Each time I’ve reached out to Him, I’ve found relief – maybe not how I’d asked for it, but He has always been there.

What do you do when you’re feeling sick?  What has He done to heal you and heal your life?  I’d love to hear how He’s worked in your life to heal your life.  Please take a few minutes to comment and tell us your story or the story of a friend.

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