Not Batting a Thousand


Not Batting a Thousand

James 3:2 We all make mistakes often, but those who don’t make mistakes with their word has reached full maturity.  Like a bridled horse, they can control themselves entirely.

Full maturity – what an amazing goal to set for ourselves! But today, I want to talk about the first 5 words of this verse. We all make mistakes OFTEN!

Today at work seems to be one of those days where OFTEN is coming much more frequently than I’d like. It seems that every time I turn around I’m finding something that I forgot to do or someone is pointing out something that I missed.  It’s led to me feeling very discouraged.

I was listening to sports talk radio and they started going through the lineup for the baseball playoffs tonight where the Kansas City Royals will be facing the Oakland A’s. I realized there wasn’t a single player in the starting lineup hitting .800 – not even 1 hitting above .500.  In fact, there is just a handful even hitting over .300.  Out of over 50 players in tonight’s game, there was only a few players who would reach base 1/3 of the time.

This knowledge boosted my confidence a bit, and then I read this verse and realized that being perfect, never making a mistake, is an amazing goal.  I must continually work and strive to possibly someday reach this level but until then – I must recognize that I’m going to make mistakes. Further, I must learn from the mistakes I make each and every day.  Today was filled with lessons that I am thankful and excited to learn.

You too, are going to face days filled with mistakes. Are you going to be open to learn the lessons He has put before you?

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