Oh How I Wish I Was…

Oh How I Wish I Was…

For me, I’d finish that statement with, fishing with my son and my wife.  How many times have you thought or uttered that very phrase and how have you ended it?

In a perfect world, we’d do what we wanted and when we wanted to do it.  In a perfect world, we’d have no deadlines, no appointments to make.  We’d not have to worry about getting groceries, mowing the yard or changing the oil in the car.

Well, not that you don’t already know this, but here’s a news flash.  We don’t!  Someday, we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  I’m both excited at the thought of being there some day but also don’t want to rush that trip. Until then, we must deal with the confines of this earthly existence.  So, then, what do we do?

We can moan and complain about all the BS we experience day to day (and before you stop reading, there’s nothing wrong with venting once in a while.  I do it and most of the time I feel much better after “dumping” it out of my head but once the dump has occurred, I have to let it go.  If I don’t, and if you don’t, then we’re sending out bad energy with the good).

Or, there’s always spending the day staring off into space dreaming of “oh how I wish I was…” but where’s that going to get you?  To quote an old classic “another day older and deeper in debt.”  Again, nothing wrong with spending some time in that fantastic daze to escape for a while, but within reason.

I’ve fallen into each of these categories to excess, but I’d like to think I’ve gotten a handle on that with a fairly simple activity.  I took what I believe to be a God-given talent and have ventured to make a difference in the lives of others.  Through my actions, directed by God and by my words, (well probably God’s words through my hand) this site was created.

Take a look around your church or in your community.  Talk to your pastor or to a trusted friend and then dig inside.  Pray, ask Him for direction.  Think about what do you do well and what you enjoy doing. Ask yourself “what is my gift from God?”   For the longest time I said ‘I don’t know’, but really what I was saying is ‘I don’t know if I want to do it’.

In my case, I’ve taken the perspective that if I can simply touch, I mean really touch and impact just 1 person with this page, then I have made a difference and I’ve been a good steward of the gift given to me.

Find your one thing and start doing it today.  But don’t stop dumping, don’t stop dreaming and always make sure you’ve got a little time to bait your hook and get your line wet.

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