Stand In Wonder

Stand in Wonder

It’s been unseasonably cool around here this summer and it’s been a welcome break from the norm.  That said, a breeze brushed against my face as I was leaving work the other day and even with the weather, it was still very welcome because of the urban setting in which I work – even an 85 degree day can feel oppressive.

The breeze that blew across my face rustled the leaves of a tree in the parking lot and it made me look up.  I stopped my journey to my truck and just looked around for a moment.  The sky was so blue and it looked like it went on forever.  One little puffy cloud could be seen likely dancing to the tune that the birds were singing.

I started thinking about the all that I have in my life.  My son and wife, my brother, in-laws (I don’t like that term because they are truly just family and in-law has such a negative feel).  I thought about the times I’ve spent camping and fishing.  The drives I’ve taken and the many scenic views I’ve seen.

I’m sure I probably only stood there for a few seconds but it felt like I was there several minutes – mouth open in amazement.  As I walked off the steps, a song came to my heart and I began singing it silently in my head and before I reached my truck, I was signing out loud….”How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God and all will sing how great, how great is our God”.

I’m quite sure just as with everything else, that moment was planned by His great hands, that breeze was just a gentle reminder to stop and look around.  I hope that these words will serve in the same manner.  Please stop and look around today and maybe you’ll just stand in wonder of His amazing gifts.

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