A Guided Tour

tour-south-dakotaA Guided Tour

Proverbs 16:9   People plan their path, but the Lord secures their steps.

I can remember a few times when I’ve gone on vacation where I’ve not been responsible for transportation. Either we’ve hopped on a train to go from one point or another, or I’ve enjoyed a bus tour of an area.

Specifically, I can remember going to South Dakota one summer. I’d done some research and found a company that would pick us up at the hotel and shuttle us to several different locations such as Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Badlands.  That day was absolutely one of the most amazing days I’ve spent.

I could simply look out the window and enjoy the scenery – I didn’t have to worry about directions or parking. The fees covered admission.  It was so relaxing.

A friend and I were talking about life and the plans that God has for us. We agreed that it is very difficult to give up the control and let God take the reins.  That conversation made me think about the bus tour I enjoyed, and I realized that during the times that I’d given up control and relied on God, I’ve had a chance to look out the window and enjoy the scenery.

It’s not always clear where He’s leading us – quite frankly there are times it’s not clear that He’s even with us –  but He’s not ever left our side. When there’s a time where the directions aren’t clear and you don’t know where or which way to turn – give it to Him.  To whom better could you turn over the tour?

“Father, I’m going to turn over my life to you.  I may grab it back from time to time, but please be patient with me. I know you’ll never leave my side.  Amen”

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