A Lantern

snow_lantern-wideA Lantern

Matthew 5:16   In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.

Torches, lanterns and flashlights have all been used to light man’s way throughout history. I’ve used a campfire or a Coleman lantern more times than I can count to find my way to my tent or the bathroom.  Funny thing is, I’d never stopped to consider how important that light is in my journey.

Just about as often as I’ve used a flashlight to find my way, I’ve used the lanterns God has put into my life to get back on the path. I’ve been so fortunate to have some absolutely amazing men and women come into my life to direct me and guide me through some of life’s greatest struggles.

One of those lanterns was extinguished in the last week, and I realized that I never did say thank you for the light he shared with me. Through his examples as a father and husband, by his faith and belief in the One Great Architect of the universe, and through his presence in my life with a warm smile and a strong and supportive hand in friendship and brotherly love, he lit my path.

He, as well as all those who have lighted my path in past, will be missed. I am eternally grateful for role they had in shaping the man that I am. I thank my Father for putting them along my path so that even when I get lost I can find my way back to Him.  Finally, I pray this “Father, let me be a lantern shining brightly so that others might see their path to You and all the good You do. Amen!”

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