body-language-blunder-2-cross-armsDo I HAVE To?

Luke 22:41-42       He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and prayed. He said, “Faher, if it’s Your will, take this cup of suffering away from me.  However, not my will but Your will must be done.”

How many of us have had a spouse, parent or loved one say something like “Hey we need help at…” and your first reaction is to cringe, avoid eye contact and quickly come up with a reason not to get involved?

I’m typing this part one-handed because I’m raising my hand as high as I can and thinking yep, I’ve done it and yep, I’ve seen it. At least once a month, our church will ask for volunteers for one of many missions out into the community.  A lot of the time, it’s only a one-time thing for maybe an hour or 2 on a Saturday.  I look over at my wife and one of will say, “I don’t care”, or “do we have anything scheduled?”.  The funny thing is, most of the time, (with the exception of marching band season and an occasional work event) we really don’t have anything planned, yet we so very rarely put our names down to volunteer.

On the rare occasion that we do commit to something, and it’s time to go, we, (ok I) hem and haw, then complain about not wanting to do it and just making myself miserable.  I’ve not backed out, but I’ve come up with some doozy excuses.  Thankfully, Jesus had a better spirit about the task set before him. Imagine how different life would be if instead of accepting it, he knelt down and said “You know I’ve been thinking about this whole crucifixion thing, and I’m not feeling so good – not to mention there’s a heck of a party going on, and I’m not going to make it.”

The sacrifices we make to help others can never be what He made for us on that cross, but we each can make a difference in a life. All we have to do is acknowledge that little voice in the back of our heads the next time we’re asked to help out and submit to His will. “Father, let us hear Your voice, understand Your will and let us act and not run. Amen”

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