I Want…

willywonka-13 (2) tumblr_m5a6eolQlV1rrycbpo1_1280 (3)tumblr_m5a6eolQlV1rrycbpo1_1280 (4)I Want…

Philippians 4:19   My God will meet your every need out of his riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus.

I was at the store earlier this week and seemed to follow a couple and their pre-school aged child down each aisle. As I did, I had the opportunity to see the interaction between the child and the parents.

We’d not made it out of the produce section when I heard “Mommy, I want some grapes!”. In the cart went grapes. Next we were going past the deli and “Daddy I want cheese!” A few passes of the slicer later and in flopped a package of cheese. Down the soda isle, yet another demand. Next chips and another demand, they looked at the child and then each other. I heard the father say “I don’t think you need those”. The tears started and I heard a little voice say, “You don’t love me?” The parents tried to explain that it wasn’t that they didn’t love them but that there were many snacks already in the cart – plus what they had at home.

As a parent, it’s difficult not to give your child everything they ask for and think they need, if you’re capable of giving it to them.  But as a parent, you also know you must do what is best for the child and usually ‘everything’ isn’t the best. As the child matures, they grow to understand the difference between a want and a need.

I suspect our relationship with our heavenly father is very similar. I can remember times I’d go to Him and ask for everything – thinking I needed it, when really, it was simply something I wanted. And when I didn’t get it, I’d start to question if He was with me and if He still loved me.

As I’ve grown older, wiser, and my relationship with God has deepened, I’ve come to see the difference. It doesn’t mean I still don’t ask for an “Xbox-one” now and again. No, I still ask, (I’m still a child in this relationship) but as I mature, I understand more and more that everything I want isn’t always everything I need.

“Father God, I am Your child and I’m going to ask You for things I think I need. Help me to understand that I don’t always need what I ask for and You will always provide me with the things I truly need. Amen”

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