My Father My Friend

sitting-on-a-dock-brothaMy Father My Friend

John 15:15  I don’t call you servants any longer, because servants don’t know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because everything I heard from my Father I have made known to you.

I suppose I’m lucky, while as I’ve explained at least once before I’m fairly young in my formal Christian life, it was clear from a very young age that there was a Creator, God who looked down upon us. He was there to have a conversation, although my early teachers made it seem as though it should be a very formal style of communication.

As I grew older, I found myself moving away from those teachers, but I still found some time to have a conversation with God. Those talks strayed far away from that formality I’d been taught.  I can remember times that I’d have something hanging over me and I’d grab a big soda and head out for a drive.  I’d talk to Him about work, friends, life and even girls.  Anything and everything was fair game on one of those drives.  It’s during that time I realized God was more than the Creator – He was and He is – my friend.

I’ve not always cultivated that friendship, and in fact, I’d say I’ve probably expected a bit too much and taken advantage of that relationship from time to time. I’ll be honest, for a time I walked away from my friend.  Oh I knew He was there and I even checked in now and again, but I stopped having the conversations only one friend could have with another.

Looking at my life, I can’t imagine Him not being there then, now, or going forward. My Father, my Friend, is with me no matter what.  He’s there to listen to my aimless ramblings or to help solve a mystery of life.

Instead of ending this with a short prayer, I’m going to ask that sometime today, when you’re by yourself, you have a conversation with God just like you would a friend. Talk to Him about your day, your kids, and spouse – whatever is on your mind

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