My Tummy Hurts

Stomach Ache in children 2My Tummy Hurts

John 3:30 He must increase and I must decrease

It’s been some time since my son has told me, “Daddy, my tummy hurts.”, but when I’d hear this phrase, I’d go through a series of questions to decide if maybe he’d eaten something that isn’t agreeing with him, been around a friend who was sick, or maybe trying to avoid a lesson or test. Then again, there were times that it’s just that he didn’t feel well and he need a little comforting and tender loving care to nurse him back to health.

I think we’ve all had a day where we just don’t feel our best – or maybe the day’s just a bit off-kilter. I can tell you I’ve run into a few days like that were my “tummy hurt”. Looking back, it’s not until later that I’ve realized it was on those days that maybe I’d tried to make it more about me rather than making it more about Father God.

Maybe I forgot to say good morning and thank Him for the day, or maybe forgot to spent a few moments in prayer or thank Him for the cup of coffee I held in my hand. In reality, what I did was make Him less a part of my day rather than more. It doesn’t take long to get me squared back up once I’ve come to that realization. While I don’t tell him my “tummy hurts”, I will take a little time in His loving embrace to be nursed back to health.

If you’re having one of those days, stop and take a moment to rest and tell Him, “Father, I am sorry. I need you in my life. I need Your comfort and love. Let me make my day more about You and less about me. Amen”

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