That Bobber Hasn’t Moved

200494937-001  That Bobber Hasn’t Moved

Daniel 10: 12-14 Then the man said to me, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel, because from the day you first set your mind to understand things and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I’ve come because of your words!  For twenty-one days the leader of the Persian kingdom blocked my way. But then Michael, one of the highest leaders, came to help me. I left Michael there with the leader of the Persian kingdom. But I’ve come to help you understand what will happen to your people in the future, because there is another vision concerning that time.”

One of the tools a fisherman can use is called a bobber. The ones I grew up on are white and red plastic balls that have a spring loaded hook on either end that you run your line through. The name pretty well defines its use – it floats on the water and bobs with the waves until a fish takes the bate. The in an exhilarating moment, that bobber is no longer floating, but dragged under the water.

Now when you’re fishing with a bobber, you don’t cast nearly as often, but depending on the currents, winds and age (kids get bored and love to real in the line and cast out again) you’ll have to cast every 5 to 10 minutes to reposition your bait.

I can remember this summer going out one early evening, the wind was blowing a bit, and the current was moving from my left to right, which made it necessary to reel in and cast out again about every 4 or 5 minutes. I’d been out there over 2 hours and not a nibble.  That bobber was sitting proudly on top of the water. During that time, I’d probably cast out 20 or 30 times. Patiently I waited and watched and then all of a sudden, I saw the bobber move a bit! I got ready and it went under – finally, the bait I’d been casting had worked.

Just like that bobber and the bait underneath, we must continue to cast our prayers to God. Remember, there are fish in that lake even if your bobber isn’t moving.  And like that bobber, just because your prayers aren’t answered as soon as they’re spoken doesn’t mean God hasn’t heard them.

“Father I lift up my prayers to you, knowing that while there may not be an immediate response, You hear them. Give me patience. Amen”

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