Yeah, I Know!

listening-dog-croppedYeah, I Know!

Proverbs 26:12    Do you see people who consider themselves wise? There is more hope for a fool than for them.

I had the opportunity to have a front row seat to a conversation between a a teenage girl and her mother. They were discussing a project the young lady was attempting to complete for school. The mother made a recommendation on the best way to complete the task and the girl snapped back “I know!”.

At first I was outraged at how the girl spoke to her parent, but there were a few other emotions that quickly bounced into my head. I was embarrassed, because I could still look back and hear a similar conversation with my mom, and then I was amused because I knew what the outcome would be – similar to what mine was, similar to some of the outcomes I’ve seen my teenage son go through. After a few seconds of contemplation, I walked past and quietly reassured the mother that her daughter will learn, we all did – and do.

It can be a very monumental task to be given domain over a project at work, school, or church. The success or failure of the project is squarely on your shoulders. The human side comes out, and thoughts of success and your reputation come into the picture. An agenda is developed – your agenda – and before you know it, God’s plans are forgotten.  Your plans have grown out of control to the point that when He does try to give you direction through friends, family, or other church members, you can no longer hear His voice.

When given a responsibility, remember it is God who has entrusted you with its completion. It is God who has the ultimate plan for its success or failure. Never find yourself so wise you can’t hear His voice from even the tiniest of mouths.

“Father, it is so easy to forget it is You who directs us all. Never let me loose sight of You and if I do, I pray that I hear Your voice to guide me back to Your plan. Amen”

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