Do You Hear What I Hear?

angels-and-shepherdsDo You Hear What I Hear?

Luke 2:10  The angel said, “Don’t be afraid!  Look!  I bring good news to you – wonderful, joyous new for all people.

I remember watching a few shows as a kid where the “star” was an animal.  In a couple, it was dogs, and in another, it was a dolphin. They’d wind up finding some kind of trouble where they needed a child (their owner or trainer) to help extricate the victim from the difficulty of the week.  Somehow those animals, through barking or jumping, would manage to communicate with their human counterpart the gravity of the situation.

I’d watch these shows on the edge of my seat – intently staring at the screen – looking away only long enough to find my dog and wonder or wish he’d somehow become the hero I saw on the screen.  Sadly, I never did rescue anyone on a broken down boat or pull someone out of a well.

In the Christmas classic; “Do You Hear What I Hear?”, there’s the line “Do you hear what I hear?, said the lamb to the shepherd boy”.  Biblically speaking, angels actually proclaimed the good news to the shepherds, but the symbolism of the lamb talking to a child isn’t lost.  Christ is often referred to as the Lamb, and we as followers, are referred to as children.  So what we have here is God incarnate talking to His people to announce His arrival on the earth.

God reveals His presence every day. The problem is, we’re just not listening.  As we approach the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, let us never loose sight of the many wonders revealing His presence.  “Let me hear You Father, Amen”

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