Do You Know What I Know?

MQC00451Do You Know What I Know?

Luke 2: 15-17     When the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go right now to Bethlehem and see what’s happened. Let’s confirm what the Lord has revealed to us.” They went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. When they saw this, they reported what they had been told about this child.

So the animals sensed it, and the Lamb came to tell the shepherds. The shepherds heard and saw it and could not contain the news and went out to tell of the birth.

In the song, it is a shepherd boy who tells the king of the arrival of Jesus. It makes for a classic song, but truly is that what happened. Imagine as an adult going to a king to tell him this news. I don’t know about you, but I have to think I’d struggle to get the words out – well maybe not – but I know I’d be nervous. Now, imagine a child telling someone that a lamb told him of this birth and moreover, that he must give him gold and silver. There’s no way!

That all said, let’s go with the shepherd boy explaining the birth of Jesus and telling the king that he should give the baby his silver and gold. These elements were as highly regarded then as they are today. What’s being said here is that we should give God our very best. In worship, our very best praise – hands raised and voices loud. Hearts focused and our minds undistracted.   Our very best of the harvest through our tithes and offerings.

We should go out and give our very best in our community – sharing His love through our actions. Share the amazing gift through our testimony, our words. Just to do our very best each and every day of our lives (to the best of our ability that day) keeping God in the forefront of our lives.

I pray that you remember God’s amazing gift during this season and share the news to the best of your ability. Go to someone today and ask, “Do you know what I know?!”

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