Each and Every Day

p-wl-02Each and Every Day

Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever you are capable of doing, do with all your might because there’s no work, thought, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave, which is where you are headed.

Listening to a local talk radio host about recent events had me thinking, and quite frankly, it was sufficiently moving that I pulled off to the side of the road and contemplated and prayed about a few things.

How many times have you heard the phrase “you know, life is too short…” ?  I wish I had a dollar (used to be a dime or quarter but with inflation…) every time that phrase escaped my lips – let alone the times I’ve heard it. It is especially profound when attending a funeral. I guess the realization of death brings this idea to the forefront.

Here’s the thing, that phrase couldn’t be more right. Life on this earth is way too short. Too short to continue in the job that drains the life out of you every day! Too short to continue to simply exist in a marriage that lost its luster and love a half dozen years ago! I’m not telling you to quit your job and travel like you’ve always dreamed – there are still responsibilities to support yourself and your family. Likewise, I’m not telling you to file for a divorce on Monday – there was love and a sparkle and it’s time to start working to bring that back.

I remember a conversation with a friend at church. He was working a full time job, 45+ hours a week. On top of that, he was trying to keep up with a side business that he’d started a few years ago. As we were talking, he mentioned a couple of things:  first, he was tired between the 2 jobs because he had little time for rest or relaxation, and secondly, he expressed some frustration at not having time for his wife or kids. I looked at him and asked him if he “needed” to work both jobs, to which he responded that he didn’t – between what he made from his primary job and his wife’s income they were quite comfortable – it’s just that he wanted to…I cut him off and said, “wanted to miss a trip to the zoo with the family? Holding your wife’s hand or sharing time as a family?”  He shook his head, and I think at least a part of him realized, “you know life is too short!”

What I am saying is, life IS short so accept where you are, set goals, make changes and the next time you hear “you know, life is too short” you can respond with, “Life IS short and that’s why I’m living each and every day.” As a new year approaches, think about some things that matter to you – things that you want to do that you’re putting off because you don’t have the time or don’t know how to do them. Make yourself a goal and start to live each day with all you have, that’s what He wants.

“Father, our life here on earth is a gift from You! Each day is a new package wrapped and ready for us to open. Never let me take that present for granted. Amen”

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