Is It Christmas Yet?

8ca3868f3154bb09e843216f6112ee7cIs It Christmas Yet?

Luke 1:41  When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

I’m quite certain most, if not all, of us have experienced the anticipation of Christmas through the eyes and lives of a child. As days get crossed off a calendar, or doors opened on an Advent calendar, the excitement builds.

My son, now 15, plays it pretty cool, but every once in a while I can still see that spark of Christmas anticipation twinkle in his eye.  When he was a little man, we’d play this game every Christmas Eve night of “I’m thirsty”, “I’ve got to go to the bathroom”.  He would fight the urge to go to sleep, in hopes of catching a glimpse of Ole’ Saint Nick sliding down the chimney (ok, walking through the door) to deliver packages.  There were times he’d almost be visibly vibrating with excitement and there were times I thought he’d bounce right out of the bed as excited as he was. I too, can remember almost being sick I was so excited for Christmas morning – and I’m sure each of you have similar stories.

The funny thing is, that excitement didn’t start with us.  It didn’t start 4 or 5 generations ago.  It began over 2000 years ago.  John the Baptist could sense, even in his mother’s womb, the amazing gift that would soon be coming.  As Christmas approaches, we too should be filled with excitement as we  remember the birth of the Savior, born to die for each and every one of us and our sins.  “What an amazing gift, thank You Father.  Thank You, thank You thank You!!! Amen.”

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