Speak Easy

Speak Easy

In the 1920’s, speak easies were much more common than anyone realized.  Likely part of the reason they weren’t as known as they could have been is because of the secrecy that surrounded them.  Countless people worked in this commercial enterprise to support the good time joints, delivering supplies, running the front of the house – even making the booze that was served.

Here’s the thing – no matter what their role, unless they owned the place, they couldn’t get in if they didn’t know the password.  Didn’t matter if the guy at the front door was your next door neighbor, if you didn’t know the word or phrase, you could only imagine how much fun was going on inside.

If you think about it getting into our Father’s heavenly house is similar.  Ephesians 2: 8 – 9 says: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast

Imagine if confronted by God and He asks, “why should you enter My house”, how would you answer?  Maybe something like: “Well, I faithfully tithed every week and attended service every time I could.  I was a good father or mother; I was always good to others.  Oh and I went on that mission trip to Africa, helping all those children.”  That’s a wonderful life spent helping others and supporting the trip, but His answer would be “I’m sorry but that’s not the right answer”.

The correct response is along the lines, “I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  He died for my sins upon the cross and it is through His sacrifice, by Your grace that I may enter”.

Over the next few days consider, have I truly accept Jesus Christ as my Lord, my Savior?  If the answer is no, please take a few moments and pray.  It’s as simple as…God, I am a lost child, a sinner imperfect.  I’ve made so many mistakes ,but I know I am forgiven.  Father, I open my mind and my heart and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and as my Savior.   I know because of Your grace I am forgiven and accepted as one of Your children.

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