The Great Escape

thEU2C92VIThe Great Escape

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people. But God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities. Instead, with the temptation, God will also supply a way out so that you will be able to endure it.

 I was out on Facebook the other day, and one of my friends posted “I’m not going to ask what else could go wrong!” I had to laugh – clearly he was at what he thought was his limit. I don’t think there’s one of us who hasn’t been through that at one point or another in our lives. In fact I suspect that we’ve encountered “enough” multiple times.

It’s funny though, just when you think you’ve reached your breaking point and one more thing will push you over the edge, something changes. It could be that the situation totally resolves itself. Magically, you’re picked up and transported to a tropical island (in my case a gorgeous mountain stream overflowing with trout). Maybe you get a call from a friend, or a few friends, who tell you that you’ve been on their mind lately and they just wanted to check on you. No matter – the situation changes, and that’s the escape talked about here.

The word ‘temptation’ is used in the translation I prefer reading, but if you prefer some other translations, use the word ‘trial’. (which in this case means ‘test’ and I think that fits better). You will be tested from time to time – your faith, your beliefs, your dependency on Him. The thing is, in those tests, He also knows your abilities. He knows your tensile strength (the amount of pressure you can take before you break) and He will keep you just under that point. Plus, with each test, you grow stronger.

Now when I first started thinking about this whole situation, I was scared. I thought, “Wait, so with each test I grow strong in my abilities which means that the next test will be …” (you see where I’m going).  However, that means my relationship with Him has grown stronger and I am better able to not only help myself, but help others as they may struggle under the strain.

I don’t look forward to the next trial, but I know when it comes, He has strengthened me. “Father, I may face difficult times, but I believe Your promise of rest and relief. Let me find the strength and courage through You to endure this trial.”

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