
dreamstime_4473313hello-my-name-iscroppedI was on my way home from a particularly stressful day.  From the moment my alarm went off through the point I’d gotten into my truck at the end of the day, things were just off.   My words were coming out with a bit of an edge even though that’s not how they were intended.  Things I touched wound up being like an all-white 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle or felt like jittery Jello-like soap that flew through my fingers.

Needless to say, I was feeling bad for how I’d reacted to things and feeling beat down.  About a third of the way into my trip, a song made famous by Matthew West came on.  The radio wasn’t up too loud, so the first few measures of the intro were soft but I recognized the song and turned it up.  I managed to turn it up as the he started the first lyric…”Hello, my name is Regret, I’m pretty sure we have met…”  It goes on to say…”I’m the whisper inside that won’t let you forget”.

The song managed to capture the entire experience of the day with “Hello, my name is Defeat…Just when you think you can win, I’ll drag you right back down again, ‘til you’ve lost all belief”

Yep, that was the day I was having!  By the time I was done beating myself up over what I’d said and done, I was so down I’d have had to climb up on a stepstool to look someone in the shoes laces. If the song had only these lines I wouldn’t have been surprised, but it didn’t.  It went on to remind me that I am a child of the one true King, saved, changed and set free.

The apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 3:26-27  “You are all God’s children through faith in Christ Jesus.  All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”

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