Desperate Faith

Desperate Faith

Ever had a situation or a time in your life you just couldn’t explain?  A feeling that there was someone with you, protecting or directing you?  Maybe it was that something had dramatically changed, but you’re not quite sure what had happened.  I think if you look in your life you can find a time where this is applicable.

If you’ve read through some of the pages here you’ve read my story.  I was truly at one of the lowest points in my life and it’s at that point when I needed Him the most, He stepped in and picked me up.  The more I think about that day, the one thing that resonates more than anything is that I had finally stripped away all of my human pride, really all earthly things, so that the only thing left was faith.  Desperate faith.

Desperate faith?  If you think about those 2 words – especially together – they seem to contradict, but if you look a bit deeper, you know exactly what it meant to me in this situation.  I had a reckless need to be removed from the situation I was in or to have the situation change.  Once I had the faith stripped of the earthly games of the mind, a belief , no a knowledge that it was my Father, our Father God was the only One who could do it.

Since that night I’ve found myself in countless situations where I’ve stripped myself and looked to Him as a child looks to their parent – vulnerable, confused and scared.  I’ve not always gotten what I asked for, but I’ve never failed to get what I needed and that includes a heart and mind that has increasingly and more willingly let go of my fears and pride as a man.  I look to Him – to my Father, knowing He’s there form me.  He’ll be there for you; it just may take a little desperate faith.

Pray with me:  Father, I know what I want but You know what I need.   I trust you will be with me, guide me, You will never leave me.  Let my eyes open to see Your way.  Amen.

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