Money Talks?

20150530_183702Money Talks?

Recently I had a conversation with a friend of mine. During that conversation, he was trying to convince me to work for him. He was going to be out of town on business and needed someone to fill in.

I was quite honored at the thought that he would think of me, that he would consider me to be capable of even trying to cover for him. Unfortunately, I’d already made a commitment to be somewhere else that weekend and shared with him the situation. Jokingly, he said I needed to go where the money was because, “Money talks and everything else walks!” Knowing him, I knew he wasn’t serious. It was just a way to have a laugh and transition from that part of the conversation.

Now it’s not the first time I’d heard that phrase used – heck, I’m sure I’ve personally used it a number of time throughout my life – but for some reason when he said it, a different picture came to mind and while I knew he wasn’t serious, my first response was almost:

Matthew 6: 19-21

“Stop collecting treasures for your own benefit on earth, where moth and rust eat them and where thieves break in and steal them. Instead, collect treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moth and rust don’t eat them and where thieves don’t break in and steal them. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

That applies, but it wasn’t my first thought. My first thought was actually of some of the special times that I’ve had the opportunity to share with my son and with my wife. In the last week, I had a couple of those moments.

I decided to take a day off of work just to hang out with my son. We ran a few errands and went to the gym. This is a new process for us both, and our interactions and conversations were closer to being two adults rather than a dad and his son. While it’s hard to believe how much he’s grown, the idea that he’s becoming a good person, a good man, is very rewarding.

Over the weekend, my wife and I were able to get a couple of days away to refresh and get “back into step” with one another. We spent one afternoon exploring the countryside and were able to see some of God’s most beautiful handiwork.

In both cases, I had a choice – let the money talk and worry about what the world had to offer, or spend a few hours making memories and storing those treasures in my heart. Jesus said that where your treasures are, there too, is your heart.  Well, taking the time with them this weekend, I found some of my treasure and it filled my heart.

Work is necessary, and I get that.  Being a fan of a particular team or  following a sport or TV show isn’t a bad thing, but don’t let the trappings of this world get you so caught up that you forget what really matters. Take some time with your spouse, child, or a close friend and rediscover that treasure He’s given to you. “Loving God, thank You for a small glimpse of Your kingdom through the love You’ve put into my life. Amen”

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