Who Do You Call?

29625310019305029_9PF3ZZ4R_f[1]Who do you call?

I was listening to a broadcast evangelist a few days ago during my morning drive into work.  He was completing a sermon series on arming yourself for battle.  Over the course of a few days he talked about the armor, helmet and arrows God provides us, but his final sermon was on prayer.

He started by saying something no one wants to hear – the truth.  He first pointed a finger at the pulpit and said this is something that pastors don’t want to talk about, and it’s nothing you out there want to hear, but we don’t pray enough.  Instead of ignoring it, we can face it and work to correct it.  I heard it and realized that I am just as guilty, if not more guilty of this.

When faced with a layoff, I will say that the first thing I did was go to God in prayer simply asking for guidance and loving support.  This quick prayer brought about a peace that quite frankly intimidated those that were delivering the news.  That peace was soon replaced with frustration fear and some anger and for the next 2 ½ years I struggled professionally, financially, with relationships and spiritually.  My entire life felt as though it was in a tumbler being thrown about.

During this time, I’d call my brother, friends, and my pastor.  I’d dump on my wife and son in a number of different ways.  I was going everywhere and to everyone hoping to find a solution by simply talking about it.  When I wasn’t talking about it, I was like tire connected to a compressor.  The pressure kept building, ready to explode, which sadly, I did a few times.

By now you’ve probably figured out what I was doing wrong.  What had changed from when I approached this difficult part of my journey?  You’re absolutely right.  I forgot to talk to the One who could make a difference.  I’d stopped talking to God.  Now, let me say that during this time I did pray, but I’d pray, get up off my knees, (figuratively speaking) dust myself off and think, “there that was a good one”, thinking that one conversation should do it.  I’d then walk away and wonder why nothing was changing.

One day about 3 months before I received an offer from the company for whom I currently work, I realized my error.  So daily I’d life up my concerns to God, I’d thank God for what I had been given and ask for direction and guidance.  It took a week or more for me to start to find that calmness and peace I first experienced walking along this path.

A month later, my son and I were at a chain outdoor store and I was approached by a salesman.  He was there trying to get people to visit a resort in which you could buy time shares.  When he started his rehearsed speech, I laughed a bit and told him that while I was sure it was a lovely facility, in my current career and financial situation he’d be better off finding someone else to approach.  He kindly asked what I did and after I told him, he directed me to a company.  Long story short, the company he mentioned is the one with whom I now continue to work.

My point here isn’t that God will give you everything you ask for, because He doesn’t.  My point is that I began having regular conversations with my Father, and in those conversations I found more than a job.  I found a friend to talk with. I found peace and comfort in love only God can provide, and with that peace, my vision was clear, my hearing sharp and my heart open to the opportunities placed within my path.

You’d think that with the results I saw I’d be down on my knees several times each and every day but that’s not the case.  I seem to wander away as I did before, dusting my hands off, walking away like I was done.  Now, I’m better than I used to be and hope to do better tomorrow than I did today.

I guess how I’ve started to look at it is this way.  I don’t stop by or dial the number of a friend or family member only when I’m in trouble.  There are many more times that I call to check on them and celebrate the good times.  Why shouldn’t I take a few minutes to check in with God?  It can be as simple as Thank you God for today, thank you for__________   (You fill in the blank) to as complex as life may be.  The key is not forgetting who you should call!

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