
Blacksmithing-Everest-GromollI can remember as a child going to an amusement park called Silver Dollar City and being absolutely fascinated by the huge hulk of a man heating and pounding on metal. It seemed as though there were no limits to what he could create out of the metal. Parts for wagon wheels, tools, knives, you name it and I was sure he could create it.

Now I’m quite sure a part of the fascination was simply the fire (yes I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with fire) and then the fact that he got to hit on things and make lots of noise and no one was yelling at him.

A couple of recent reality shows have had me look back on that experience with awe at the creations of the blacksmith. The shows today pit a number of talented people against one another in timed competitions that have them creating a tool or some kind of weapon.

As the block of metal begins to be formed into an instrument of precision, the metal is heated, tempered, heated, quenched and the shaping begins. It’s hammered, reheated, stretched all kinds of different stresses and trials to form and shape it, so that heavy block of metal can eventually be put to work for its intended use.

As I was reading this week I realized that God does the very same thing with us.

James 1: 2-4
My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble. When you do, think of it as pure joy. Your faith will be tested. You know that when this happens it will produce in you the strength to continue. And you must allow this strength to finish its work. Then you will be all you should be. You will have everything you need.

At times we ask why God allows us to endure the difficulties of life. It’s my belief that God doesn’t put those things in our path but does provide us with the ability, with God’s help, to navigate through to the other side. As we grow deeper in our relationship with the Great I Am, our strength and resilience increase with an understanding that we must rely on God to overcome life’s obstacles and challenges.

The next time a chunk of metal gets thrown your way, stoke the fire of God within you and see the tools you’ll form with God’s help to carry on.