Let’s Make a Deal

The modern version of “Let’s Make a Deal” is hosted by Wayne Brady. If you’ve not seen it, it’s a game show where people are randomly selected from the audience to play games.  At some point, they have the opportunity to trade A for B, but that trade could either result in them receiving a fabulous prize or a giant rocking chair.

Have you ever played the role of the contestant with God during a prayer? You know, “God, if you’ll do this for me, then I’ll start going to church every single week, I PROMISE!”  Solomon in the first few verses of Ecclesiastes 5 warns us of this.  Verses 2 and 3 sums it up:

Don’t be quick with your mouth or say anything hastily before God, because God is in heaven, but you are on earth. Therefore, let your words be few. Remember:  Dreams come with many cares, and the voice of fools with many words”

When we take time to have a conversation with God, remember that He knows our heart and understand our every need and desire. So rather than trying to make a deal, share your heart with God and remain faithful instead of winding up with a giant chair that you don’t have room for.

Prayer for today: “God, you know my heart and I trust you will provide. Amen”

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