
To maintain and grow a relationship, communication is imperative.  But when you read or hear the word “communicate” or “communication”, what’s your immediate thought?  Does your mind go immediately to talking?  If it does, you’re not alone.

For most people, as soon as someone starts talking, we immediately begin formulating a response.   Yet anatomically, we’re designed to listen twice as much as we talk, right?  Unfortunately, our mouths tend to be workaholic and our ears have turned in the retirement papers.

As you look upon the time you spend in prayer, are you consistently lifting up items that you want God to address but not allowing time to listen for God’s response?  Jeremiah 33:3 tells us “call to me and I will answer and reveal to you wondrous secrets that you haven’t known.”

Just imagine how different things might be if we just spent more time listening rather than trying to make our point – both in our day-to-day life and in the time we spending talking to God.

Prayer today, “Dear God, my mouth is closed and my ears open to you….Amen”

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