
“I’m scared of the dark”, or spiders.  “I’m fearful about taking this new job” or changing careers.  “I’m not going to answer the phone – I’m afraid of what the person calling me might say”, or “I don’t want to get out of bed, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen today”.  That list could go on forever, and I might not ever capture the thing, or things, that create the most fear in your life, am I right?

I was talking to a friend the other day about life and moving forward, and they began to share a dream that they had.  You see, they’d always wanted to work in a certain field, but they’d never stepped out of their comfort zone to explore what was necessary to move into that career field.  I gently suggested that they should at least check into it, maybe even discuss it with their spouse, to which they said, “if it’s meant to happen, it will.”

It’s so easy, as people of the world, to allow fear to direct us.  I mean, career changes or spiders or the thought of what might happen today can drive our future, but God, well God has other plans for us.  In 1John 4:18 we’re told “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear expects punishment. The person who is afraid has not been made perfect in love.”

So how can we work to conquer our fears?  Well, I think there are a few ways to accomplish this.  First, by recognition of an ever-present God, that is God’s spirit, surrounds us constantly in all that we do.  Next, by scripture, a tangible reminder of God’s grace and love.  Maybe memorize a verse or scripture that you can speak in your heart during difficult times.  God’s word can reassure a trembling heart. Finally, prayer – naming your fear or fears so that you can then work to control them through God’s perfecting love of you.  Now this isn’t a be all list of handling fear, but it might be a good start.  For some folks and for some situations, we may need to seek a professional, and if you are there, I encourage you to do so but this may be a place to start.

Pray today: “You always surround me and are there to protect and strengthen me.  God, your love is perfecting and all-sufficient.  God, with your love there is no room for name your fear in my life! Amen.”

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