In You I Find

Walking the book of Lamentations, I cannot imagine the scenes that must have played out with each breath, each blink of the eye, of every step and as the days pass.  The witness of the destruction of your city,  your home, your family and friends. 

Today, while most of us do not experience the complete devastation to which the writer was a witness, we do face our own struggles.  The scenes of brokenness and conflict, of fear and loss, play their scene in the quiet secret places of our hearts and minds.  As we close our eyes, we find them playing over and over.  To some they seem of no consequence, but the continuous cycle causes a need for shelter, or through exhaustion, seeking a means to end the voices and images of the reality of struggle, failure and loss.  The endurance of our youth exhausted and our hope crushed into the gravel of the path we travel.

But in that darkness the writer recalls this:  Certainly, the faithful love of the Lord hasn’t ended; certainly God’s compassion isn’t through!  They are renewed every morning.  Great is your faithfulness.  I think: The Lord is my portion!  Therefore, I’ll wait for him.  The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the person who seeks him.  Lamentation 3:22-25

Most assuredly, quiet waiting isn’t always the answer.  Sometime we require the help of a friend and careful listening of a caring ear.  In other times, we may need more and search out professionals trained to walk us through the darkness.  But for all who earnestly seek Him during these times, alone or with the companionship of a caring heart, God’s never-ending and all-sufficient love will be revealed and bring comfort, strength and healing to the broken in each of us.

Take a moment to pray; God of mercy, I sit here today and ask of you, stop the pain, heal the brokenness, bring to me comfort and strength that today, I might know your faithfulness.  Lord, I thank you for your presence and all that you have done and are doing in my life.  In you, I find the light of hope shining brightly upon my life.  Amen