A Little Discipline

No discipline is fun while it lasts but it seems painful at the time.  Later, however it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.  Hebrews 12:11

As children, we can’t wait to be adults its going to be so cool.  We can do what we want, go to bed when we want, eat what we want to spend what we want and no one, I mean no one can tell us otherwise.  But soon, after we move out on our own, we begin to realize that’s not the truth.

The moments we couldn’t wait to see the postman bring us apprehension, fear and worry because what gets dropped off into our mailbox are, bills.  Bills for power, water, internet and not that slow stuff mom and dad had, but high-speed cable.  And while we’re at it, our cable bill (if we still have cable) isn’t just for a few channels its for everything, including HBO, Showtime, NFL, and the NBA.  And the fine, fine clothes, well the credit card bills will be here next week.  It hurts as we open the envelopes and come to the realization.

Then there is the idea of going to bed at 2 or 3 every day with the painful realization that nap time stopped a few years ago.  Or how you need to put your head down for a moment and find a little peace.

This selection of scripture really hit struck a chord.  I have struggle with diet and exercise all of my life and my lack of discipline shows, in the energy that I have and the way that I look.  While, exercise does cause some soreness and some fatigue, in the long run I know that I am better off.  If I can make the sacrifice now, I will be healthier and I will most likely live a longer, joy filled life.

Jesus tells us that the two most important rules we are to live by are to, love God with all that we are, heart mind body and soul and to love heart mind body and soul and loving others as much as we love ourselves.   To live into these two rules is difficult, it may cause us some pain or force us to make difficult decisions but when we choose to do so, when we discipline ourselves by spending time with God each day, deepening our relationship.  When we consciously choose to love, sacrificially giving of ourselves to those who surround us we find a life that is purposeful.

I would encourage you, get yourself on a budget or a regular sleeping plan or a diet and exercise plan and stick with it.  We didn’t get where we are overnight and as you, find ways to deepen your relationship with God.  Begin a reading plan, or find three times a day to offer a short prayer to God, as simple as, “thank you God for being with me here and now”.  And/or find a way to make a difference in a life each day, volunteer, talk to your neighbor, check on a friend. 

Prayer “God, thank you for today and your presence in my life.  I trust in you Lord, hold me firmly and guide me gently in your will and in your ways, Amen”

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