Be Still

The LORD will fight for you, you need only be still.  Exodus 14:14

I want you to stop, sit back and imagine for a moment.  Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve had worries about your job or finances on one side and concerns about your health or the well being of your parents, children or a loved one (not saying your parents and children are people you love)?  Have you, have you ever been in a life situation where it felt like you were surrounded?

In this scripture, that is where we find the Israelites who are fleeing pharaoh, who has kept them in captivity and in slavery.  pharaoh’s army are on the hills above them.  The chariots pulled by mighty horses; battle tested warriors covered in gleaming armor. To the other side is a great body of water, the Red sea.

And the message from God Moses shares is, be still.  The LORD will fight for you, just be still.  I know when life has come at me from all directions the last thing, I want to do is be still.  I suspect we experience that fight or flight mode where our hearts are pounding and our minds race, seeking out solutions, ways that we might be able to fight off or escape the things that are seemingly attacking us.

Yet what we hear from God is, “be still”, let your hearts not be troubled, let your minds be calm.  In the verses that follow God tells Moses that He will eliminate those who are chasing them and give them a way out.   The sea was parted, and the Israelites were able to escape and as pharaoh’s army followed, the sea came in upon the Egyptian army.

We may feel as trapped as the Israelites in our current situation, but God tells us to be still, I am the Lord, I will fight for you.  God is responding to your situation, we must seek His responses in our life, that God might be glorified in his presence and unfailing love of God’s children.  I mean, who would have thought that huge body of water would have been dived or that the greatest army defeated.  God is responding just “be still and see His presence.

Prayer “Father God, you are present always and everywhere, help us to be still, to find You, to trust that You are battling for us in unimaginable ways.  Let us find the peace of your presence.  Hold us firmly and guide us gently in your will and in your ways.  Amen”

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