Embrace It

“Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts” – Psalm 126:5

Read that Psalm again, what a reassuring thought. 

Consider the times we live in; we live very distracted lives.  There are so many places for us to be, for our minds and our hearts to be, any place except here and now, the present moment.  Let’s be honest often in the present there is anxiety, fear, grief and/or suffering and we do everything we can to avoid it.  To avoid the present moment.  It really seems that we do all that we can to escape suffering rather than embrace it.

Yet what the psalmist is sharing with us is that those who are wiling to embrace the human condition, to embrace this life even to the point it moves you to tears.  The truth is though, tears can come from grief and from suffering, but they can also be present in laughter and in joy.  The common point is your heart and that it is present in the moment it is willing to be moved to that place.  If it is not present and you are not free, it cannot be moved.

Fear and anxiety tend to cut us off from our emotions, so in the moment when tears begin flowing it is a natural expression of our emotions, with each tear we are able to let go of things in a natural way, unloading what is on our minds and on our chests.  It opens us up to a clearer picture of who we are and the situations we are experiencing, and it makes us more willing to be open and to depend on God.  It is when we do this that we are most able to experience the peace and joy that is beyond any understanding.

Prayer: “God, thank you for today, thank you that You are present with me.  As I open myself to these emotions, let your presence be known to me, that I might know your strength, your comfort, your peace, and your joy.  Amen”

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