Here I Am

Look I’m standing at the door and knocking.  If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to be with them and will have dinner with them, and they will have dinner with me.  Revelation 3:20

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of sales calls or door to door salespeople, I mean if I need something I know it.  I don’t need someone stopping by the house knocking on my door trying to sell me something by telling me what I need.

I offer that and remember a story my father shared.  He grew up in the country and as a young boy, the electric company ran power lines past the house but not yet to the house.  One day a door-to-door salesperson stopped at the house to try and sell Grandma Effie an electric vacuum cleaner.  Before grandma could tell him that they had no electricity, he had dumped a cannister of dirt on the carpet in the living room.  As the dust plumed out from the pile, he promised that if his vacuum cleaner did not get the rug cleaner than beating it, he would beat the all the rugs in the house.  Needless to say, dad didn’t have to beat the rugs that week.

In our scripture this week, we find Jesus admonishing members of a church for being too prideful, and self-reliant.  The amazing thing is just as quickly as he reprimands them, Jesus is offering to them a way to be reconciled, to be in relationship with Him.  All we have to is invite him in.

Often, we are prideful and self-reliant, we fail to recognize that we need more than ourselves, that the one knocking on the door can offer us a life beyond what we may know.  Jesus offers us that opportunity, we just have to open the door.  

Prayer:  Lord, we give thanks for this day and for you.  Give me ears to hear what you are trying to tell me, give me the courage to admit I cannot do this by myself, give me the humility to open the door.  Amen

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