Most High

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”  Psalm 91:1-2

I wonder, what is hanging over your head?  What is weighing you down?  Is there something you are worried about, need protection or shelter?  This scripture offers all of those things, places everything in perspective and invites us to worship.  Let me explain a bit

When we read that those who “dwell” in the shelter, we find an invitation to relationship with God.  You see to dwell or live is an invitation to sit down, to dwell with God in all seasons of our life, good times and in difficult times.  God desires us to be a part and a partner in all aspects of our life, consistently and constantly making that desire clear, if we are open to it.

As we move on, we read that those who live in the “shelter” of the Lord, this shelter describes a place of protection, of comfort, where we as individuals can spend time alone with God.  That we can be present with the most high, or Almighty God.

This reference to Most High or Almighty gives us the perspective we need to live; I mean LIVE and be assured each of our days.  As God is the Most High, we are reminded that God is above everything else.  It gives us order and perspective to everything around us.  It allows us to live before God worshiping God, the Most High with the assurance God desires that we live with and rest in a place of peace, comfort, and protection.

I’ll end with this, it can be difficult sometimes to not worry, to trust God with the things that are most important.  We are good at trusting God with the easy stuff, struggling to trust God with those things that are closest to us, trust ourselves rather than the Most High.

From what do you need refuge?  Take a moment to release the worry, the fear, and the anxiety.  Lift your hands upward and open them imagining as you do, that those things that are weighing you down are moving away from you, see yourself in a comfortable, safe place where you can rest and find peace.

Prayer: “Almighty and Most High, thank you for this day.  I lift my hand to you and release all the burdens of this world.  I trust in you and seek rest in you.  Hold me firmly and guide me gently in your will and in your ways.  Amen”

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