New HEart

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.  I will remove your stony heart from your body and replace it with a live one.”  Ezekiel 36:26

Have you ever considered the truth of the heart?  We look at an athlete powering through an injury and talk about the heart that they are displaying.  Or we might see someone who has committed unbelievable atrocities against humanity and talk about the cold nature of their heart.  For someone who has been wronged we might say the have a bitter heart.

The truth is our heart defines us, it is what is visible to those around us, it reflects who and whose we truly are.  Our scripture today offers that God will replace our heart of stone, that is a heart that is focused on this world and all the evils that exist within, with one of light, of mercy and forgiveness, grace, and love.  A heart that is filled with life.

Of this world, our heart is filled with anger, frustration, bitterness, regret and shame but the good news is that through Jesus Christ.  Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection our hearts are transformed and made new, placing the Holy Spirit within us changing us from the inside out.

And each day, if we allow it, the transformed you will be revealed as the shell of this world breaks away.  I would encourage you to allow the truth of your heart to be seen more and more each day, revealing the image of Christ in your words, in your actions through the life that you live.  One small piece at a time allows Jesus to be the image shinning from your heart.

Prayer: “Lord God, thank you for today, thank you for the new heart.  Lord allow the shell of this world to fall away that the witness and truth of the heart you gave me can be seen by all who are around me.  Amen”

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