
“I will strengthen the weary and renew those who are weak.”  Jeremiah 31:25

Here we are nearly a year and a half into a pandemic, and aren’t we weary in some ways?  For some of us, we remain removed from friends and family, others just want to move on in our lives, then there some who are somewhere in between and dare I say all of us are weary in one way or another.

Folks have had or are transitioning into new jobs and new careers; others have seen the work roles increase or at least change.  I suspect things have changed in your life, haven’t they?  I know that they have in mine.  Additional phone calls, not being able to visit with members of our church family who cannot or have not returned to various activities.

Those changes and our grip to what we know and understand as normal, causes us to grow tired wondering how we hold on, how we keep our grip.  The good news is that God is faithful and remains present in our lives, giving strength to those who are weak.  God will renew us that we are no longer weary but have to ability to continue in the moment and in our lives.

If you are feeling weary, weak I would encourage you to find some time to reconnect with God, through scripture reading and prayer.  We should also find time to connect or reconnect in the Body of Christ through time in worship, recharging in the relationships we cherish.

Please pray: “Thank you Lord that you faithfully remain with me in everything and everywhere.  Let me find renewal in you through the Holy Spirit.  Amen”

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