
“Whatever you do, whether in speech or action, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through him.”  Colossians 3:17

I have a friend who owns a small business.  Both he and his wife work long hours taking care of their customers, ensuring that their every need is met, with a smile on their face.  Once in a while, he will talk about how tired he is, how he’d like to take some time off but can’t.  In the past I’ve shared with him, that he ought to find help, someone who can take some of the burden from he and his wife.  His response is always the same, “I can’t do that!  Both of us have worked hard to build the business and our reputation.  People trust us, and I just can’t risk that.”  I fully understand where he is coming from, reputation, having a name mean something is crucial. 

I consider the work that our heavenly father has given those of us who consider ourselves followers of Christ.  We have been given the freedom to speak, act and respond as we choose, however as we do so, we are acting as a representative of God, it is the name of Jesus that we leave when we walk away.  You see in that freedom to do what we choose; we are called to reflect the image of Christ in those actions.  That is rather that speaking out in hate, we offer words of love and encouragement.  Instead of turning our back, we offer our neighbor a hand up.  Instead of holding a grudge, finding a way to forgive and to move forward.

So, as you move through your day, consider the image you are leaving behind, the name you are representing.  Let us pray “Lord God, thank you for today, thank you for your trust in me.  As I walk through this day, let me leave the image of Jesus wherever I go.  Amen”

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