Stop It

“Jesus said, ‘stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.’” – Matthew 6:34

Stop, that’s right stop what you are doing, unless of course you’re driving down the highway at 75 MPH or currently performing brain surgery.  If you are doing either, then why are you reading this?  Seriously, the reason I had you stay still for a moment was to consider, has concern or worry about tomorrow ever and I mean ever substantially changed it?

The answer, of course not, but we continue to do it, robbing us of the memories, laughter, joy, and love that has been presented to us today.  It is easy to look ahead, look to the unknown and wring our hands.  Placing our focus on things that are beyond our grasp and control, rather than allowing our eyes, our minds, and our hearts to be present in the moment of today.

That doesn’t mean that we don’t plan, we do not lay out plans for tomorrow, next week or three years from now.  The destination of our future is laid out in the planning of today.  You will notice I said planning and not worrying.  Prayerfully, set your destination, your goals and trust that God will be present through the Holy Spirit, to help guide you day by day.  In doing so, by placing your trust in God, you will find that the worry will soon wisp as smoke in the air allowing you to be present in the moment, finding the treasures God is offering in the gift of today.

Prayer: “Almighty God, thank you for today.  Help us to set our goals for our future and each day give thanks for the day and renew our focus on you, and on the steps, we will take today to reach our destination.  Amen”

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