The Power

If you have spent some time reading the bible, especially the Old Testament, you will read that the Israelites were focused on building a dwelling place for God.  Even today if you were to go to Jerusalem you would find Jews praying at the western wall of the temple, the holiest place in Jerusalem, but what we read here and what we understand is that God does not dwell in a place, rather God is within each of us.  Our Scripture reads: 

“Rather, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” Acts 1:8

Rather than living in a structure, the Spirit of God lives in each of us and because of that we have access to the unimaginable power of God.  We have the ability to witnesses to the power of God to those around us, to the ends of the earth because the Holy Spirit has given us the power of joy, patience peace, kindness, faithfulness, and love.

Each and every one of us can be witnesses to the world, not because of who we are or our own power but because of the power of God’s Holy Spirit that lives us.  We are a city on a hillside, a candle in the darkness shinning not just in our own backyard but across the world.  Consider this, the light that shines brightly in the distance shines brightest at home.

I encourage you to take steps the make that light shine for all to see.  Commit to learning more about God’s Word.  If you don’t currently have a church home, check with friends, and find a place where you can learn.   If you do, set a goal to make God a bigger priority, making your faith journey the center of your life.  Seek out a mentor, ask someone to help guide you in your journey.  You will find that as you become closer to God, the life that you know will become the life that you knew.

Prayer: “Almighty God, thank you for today, that you for the presence of your Holy Spirit and the abilities and qualities that are possible because of the Spirit, help me to tap into that power that my light might shine throughout this dark world.  Hold me firmly and guide me gently in your will and in your ways.  Amen”

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