This Is It

“All the Law has been fulfilled in a simple statement, “’Love your neighbor as yoursel’f”. 

Galatians 5:14

Go back up and read that again, I’ll wait, go on really, read it again

In that one scripture, the Apostle Paul sums up the whole law, the law of Mosses, that is 613 commandments.  Things you should do, things you shouldn’t do.  Can you imagine, living your life trying to remember 613 different things to do or not do in every aspect of your life?  We’d never get anything done trying to figure out if you are complying with the laws.

But, with this, through the grace of God, Paul tells us that we can satisfy, that we can comply with all the laws by simply to “love your neighbor as yourself”.  Is that it?  Could it be that simple? Is that really all we have to do?

What the Apostle Paul has done is take the overwhelming and the complicated and clear, concise, and simple.  The Church, followers of Jesus Christ will no longer live by a list of rules, regulations, and laws but rather we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves.  Love the folks next door, at the store, online, really anywhere you meet them.  Whether its folks we like, don’t like, and even folks who don’t like you, we should treat them with loving respect.   Imagine how different the world would be if we began living in this way.

I encourage you to begin the change in the world that surrounds you.  With a smile introduce yourself, it may be the only smile they see all day.  Take time to ask someone around you “how things are going right now” and then, listen to them.  Offer to help with something they are doing or working on, how many times have you been in a situation, where an extra set hands would have made all the difference.  Find a way to respond positively to a post or a person you may not agree with (BTW that doesn’t mean you write, “I’m positive you are an idiot”)

I believe that as we bless those around us with this love, God will bless us in the same way, pouring our love in your day and in your life. 

Prayer: “God, thank you for today and thank you for your presence in my life.  Thank you for the witness of love through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Help us to find ways to love our neighbor that we might change the world.  Hold us firmly and guide us gently in your will and in your ways.  Amen

Share the ways you have shared love with your neighbors today.

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