Where you are…

“When I look up at you skies, at what your gingers made-the moon and the stars that you set firmly in place-what are human beings; that you think about them, what are human beings that you pay attention to them?” – Psalms 8:3-4

Have you ever sat next to a campfire and looked up at the stars?  How about sat next to a lake as the sun came up?  I guess what I’m asking is have you ever considered just how big God is?  In this scripture what David is reminding us of just how big God truly is.

In this Psalm, David goes on to say, who am I that God, the creator of the universe.  The One who’s fingers created the skies, set the moon and the stars in place, would think about us.  He, David, is reminding us that even considering how big God is, God loves us right where we are.    

So be encouraged, no matter the situation or the circumstances you might be going through, the Creator of the Universe, sees you AND loves you, right where you are. Prayer: “Creator God, thank you for today.  Every time I look up or look around let me be encouraged knowing that you are present in my life, that you see me and that you love me, right where I am.  Hold me firmly and guide me gently in your will and in your

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