Words of Life

“Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.”

Proverbs 13:3

Think back over the last 72 hours, just over the last 3 days have you said something, that you regret, that was hurtful, that spoke pain into a life around you or to yourself?  I suspect if we are honest with ourselves the answer is yes.

Especially, today with social media it is all to easy to offer our “honest opinion” about a situation or the manner in which someone is living their life, I know I struggle with that.  The question is do we really know what’s going on?  Have we seen each of the Lego blocks that have gone into building that situation?  Often times we have not. 

The first century philosopher Philo offer us these words, “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”  Being kind does not mean that we agree with someone, but it does mean that we find a way to speak words of encouragement and life into ourselves and those around us. 

Before you type or speak take a moment to consider the words asking, “Are these words that will lift them up or tear them down?”  Find ways to stand next to our neighbor, to lift them up.  When we learn to speak words building someone up rather than tearing them down, we will find the world around us changing.  So today, speak words of life and encouragement into yourself and into those around you.

Prayer: “God you are the Creator of all things including love.  Soften my heart and my tongue that I might offer encouragement into my life and into the lives of those around me.  Amen”

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