Pots and Pans

“If I speak in tongues of human beings and of angels but I do not have love, I am a clanging gong or a clashing cymbal.”  1 Corinthians 13:1

As I read this scripture, I can’t help but have a smile come to my face envisioning a 3- or 4-year-old who has drug out pots, pans and pie tins to clang and bang them together.  There is no rhyme or rhythm to it.  Rather, it is the child expressing themselves, focusing on what will make them feel good, what will make them happy.

Sometimes as adults, we do the exact same thing but with what we say and what we type out.  Don’t believe me, go back over your conversations, the things that you have said or typed out and ask yourself if it was done in love.  Was I encouraging, was accepting, were the words I used helpful and did those words offer an example of God’s presence in my life, or did I drag out some pots and pans and make myself happy?

It can be difficult; it is a regular struggle for me.  I cannot tell you how many times I drag out the pots and pans, look around and realize what I am about to do or sadly what I have already done.  I think back to three simply rules offered by John Wesley, found of the Methodist movement.  Those rules, do no harm, do good and remain in love with God, I am slowly learning to take a breath and reflect on Wesley’s rules.  In doing so, I find that I am a clanging gong or a crashing cymbal a little less often.

I would encourage you, to go back over your communication, if for no other reason but to see what has you dragging out your pots and pans.  Knowing the reasons helps you to identify those moments when you may need to take a breath, reflect on the rules, or ask yourself am I about to be a noisy cymbal.  In doing so, you will find not only peace in your heart but also peace in your life.

Prayer: “Lord God I am thankful for today!  Help me to be less like a ganging gong and more like a reflection of Jesus in my life.  Hold me firmly and guide me gently in your will and in your ways.  Amen”

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