Do as I do…

“Therefore, imitate God like dearly loved children. Live your life with love, following the example of Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us. He was a sacrificial offering that smelled sweet to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2

Wow did July go fast!  In a way I am reminded of the song, Cat’s in the Cradle, by Harry Chapin.  For those of you who have heard the song, I’d bet by now you’re singing the chorus, “and the cats in the cradle, and the silver spoon…”.  I’ll let you continue to sing while I explain the song to those who may not have ever heard it.

The song is an exchange between a father and his son.  At first the father tells the son that he’s really to busy at the moment to spend time with him, work has him here or there and well you know, sadly he’s busy.  A little later on, the song comes around and now the father desires to spend time with his son but sadly, the son now grown is very busy.  It is a sad reminder of how quickly time goes by, especially when we get busy in our lives.

The song also reminds us of how as children we do a lot of the same things that our parents did.  In the song the son witnessed the hectic schedule kept by the father and now, well he is imitating him. 

Do you remember, getting into your mom or dad’s closet, putting on their shoes and then walking around?  For me I did something different my father for most of his professional career was in some kind of military or federal investigation and/or law enforcement.  On this particular day, dad was out of town, traveling for work, and I wanted to be like him.  I found a pair of handcuffs he kept in his office and put them on.  Seems I was a natural because I got them on tight enough, I couldn’t pull my hands through.  I can’t tell you how many times he had told this curious 4-year-old, not to mess with them.  Boy, was I going to be in trouble!  Fear of the situation and of mom’s reaction allowed me to muster a few tears as I called out her name. 

When she walked in the frustration was evident and immediately, she went to where dad kept the keys.  They weren’t there.  She checked a couple of more spots, but it seems dad had taken them with him.  What’s a mom to do when her son, has locked himself in a set of handcuffs?  Call the police!  Within 5 minutes, two huge members of Chicago’s finest were at the door, ready to see why this woman’s son was sitting in the living room wearing handcuffs.  They were surprised when they saw me, just trying to imitate my father.

For most of us, hearing what we should do isn’t as easy as imitating what we see being done.  In our heavenly Father, we witness many things.  We witness, creation, take a moment to step outside and look around at the work of God’s hands.  We witness love in the people who are in our lives, possibly our parents, our children, our siblings, our partners, and spouses and in our friends.  In the documented life of Jesus, we find not only sacrificial love but grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

In a way, it almost seems as though the Apostle Paul (author of Ephesians) had heard that song by Harry Chapin, knowing that as children, we are more likely to do what we see rather than what we have heard.  Strive each day to be imitators of the abundance each of us knows through the presence of God in our lives.

Let’s pray; “God, you show us the way, the way to love, the way to forgive, the way to serve, help us to be more like you, that we might be imitators of you.  Hold us firmly and guide us gently in your will and in your ways. Amen”

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