Give It Up

“Bless the Lord! The God of our salvation supports us day after day!” Psalms 68:19

This selection is written from the experiences of David himself. Each of us know burdens, anxieties, and struggles, am I right? David, someone we say is chasing after God was no exception. He knew the worries and burdens and struggles of life. David was seen by his father and siblings as unimportant and neglected. Saul, the king persecuted him, and his own son betrayed him, so he knew what each of us experience in our lives, in sharing this lesson.

The first thing he does is divert our attention, reminding us of who is in our lives. He says, “Blessed be the Lord! God of our salvation…”  Even when we are faced with questions about our future, worry about our family and/or our relationship, even when we may face anxieties about the world that surround us, we are to praise God, the Lord is our salvation, the one who will protect us, look out for us save us! The one, who as the scripture tells us will “…support us day after day!”

God is there next to us in every battle that we face, every struggle we encounter, with each fear that we have, but we must give them over to God. The Apostle Peter tells us, “Cast, throw all your cares, your worries, your burdens your anxieties onto the Lord because He cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7 CEB)

You see for this to work, we must learn to trust that God is there, that God cares about us, that God is much more capable of dealing with our struggles and worries than any of us. When we begin to trust God turning over our burdens, with our worries, with our anxieties, we finally begin to realize the peace that comes from trusting and resting in the arms of God.

I encourage you to take a moment to lift up that which is laying heavily upon you. Give praise to the Lord. The God of our salvation is here to care for us, to support us and to carry the struggles, the burdens, and the worries in our life.

Prayer: “Lord, I trust that you are here. I give to you the things that I am struggling with and trust in you to carry that weight. Let me know the peace of your presence. Hold me firmly and guide me gently in your will and in your ways. Amen”

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