All posts by robandjenny

The Monday’s

MillstoneBoy is it Monday – sore, tired and don’t want to go to work.  Well, maybe it’s not that I don’t want to go to work, but it’s that I don’t want to go where I’m going.  Walking in, I’m faced with smiling faces and there’s a part of me that wonders if they are truly that happy or if they are putting on a good face…the old grin and bear it philosophy.

The journey to my cube, desk, cell (whatever you want to call it), takes me past a particular gentleman – a friend and brother in Christ. I stopped to say good morning and see how his weekend went.   As he turns, I can see a joy on his face.  My first question to him was, “So are you ready for the fun and games today?”  He responded by saying that fun may be a stretch of the truth, but he is ready for the day and what it has to offer.

I questioned him on that statement and his response was, “This is where God has put me today.  Clearly He wants me here for some purpose, so I’m excited to see what He (God) wants me to accomplish.”  With that sentence, my friend gave me an unarguable position, and while I’m not quite ready to accept it, (I mean, I took the time to tie the millstone on and drag it this far, I can’t give that up without some kind of a fight, right?), I can at least consider his position.

Well, I thanked him for the uplifting approach, shared that I’d need to ponder it a bit, and proceeded on to my station.  As I walked, I began to come to grips with his statement and his philosophy. You see, God establishes a path for each of us, and through our decisions and the decisions of others, our path winds and turns – goes up and down, can be covered with ice, or sometimes surrounded by the flowers in the prairie.

With each step along the path, God puts opportunities to strengthen our faith, to strengthen the faith of others or introduce Jesus Christ to someone who’s not ever been introduced to Him or His teachings. 1 Corinthians 1:9 can give us perspective as to our role each day. It reads, “God is faithful, and you were called by him to partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

While it’s easy to surround ourselves with despair or dread, if you look at each step, each day, as an opportunity to be a servant of God and a partner with Christ Jesus, how can we not be excited?


Blacksmithing-Everest-GromollI can remember as a child going to an amusement park called Silver Dollar City and being absolutely fascinated by the huge hulk of a man heating and pounding on metal. It seemed as though there were no limits to what he could create out of the metal. Parts for wagon wheels, tools, knives, you name it and I was sure he could create it.

Now I’m quite sure a part of the fascination was simply the fire (yes I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with fire) and then the fact that he got to hit on things and make lots of noise and no one was yelling at him.

A couple of recent reality shows have had me look back on that experience with awe at the creations of the blacksmith. The shows today pit a number of talented people against one another in timed competitions that have them creating a tool or some kind of weapon.

As the block of metal begins to be formed into an instrument of precision, the metal is heated, tempered, heated, quenched and the shaping begins. It’s hammered, reheated, stretched all kinds of different stresses and trials to form and shape it, so that heavy block of metal can eventually be put to work for its intended use.

As I was reading this week I realized that God does the very same thing with us.

James 1: 2-4
My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble. When you do, think of it as pure joy. Your faith will be tested. You know that when this happens it will produce in you the strength to continue. And you must allow this strength to finish its work. Then you will be all you should be. You will have everything you need.

At times we ask why God allows us to endure the difficulties of life. It’s my belief that God doesn’t put those things in our path but does provide us with the ability, with God’s help, to navigate through to the other side. As we grow deeper in our relationship with the Great I Am, our strength and resilience increase with an understanding that we must rely on God to overcome life’s obstacles and challenges.

The next time a chunk of metal gets thrown your way, stoke the fire of God within you and see the tools you’ll form with God’s help to carry on.

Who Do You Call?

29625310019305029_9PF3ZZ4R_f[1]Who do you call?

I was listening to a broadcast evangelist a few days ago during my morning drive into work.  He was completing a sermon series on arming yourself for battle.  Over the course of a few days he talked about the armor, helmet and arrows God provides us, but his final sermon was on prayer.

He started by saying something no one wants to hear – the truth.  He first pointed a finger at the pulpit and said this is something that pastors don’t want to talk about, and it’s nothing you out there want to hear, but we don’t pray enough.  Instead of ignoring it, we can face it and work to correct it.  I heard it and realized that I am just as guilty, if not more guilty of this.

When faced with a layoff, I will say that the first thing I did was go to God in prayer simply asking for guidance and loving support.  This quick prayer brought about a peace that quite frankly intimidated those that were delivering the news.  That peace was soon replaced with frustration fear and some anger and for the next 2 ½ years I struggled professionally, financially, with relationships and spiritually.  My entire life felt as though it was in a tumbler being thrown about.

During this time, I’d call my brother, friends, and my pastor.  I’d dump on my wife and son in a number of different ways.  I was going everywhere and to everyone hoping to find a solution by simply talking about it.  When I wasn’t talking about it, I was like tire connected to a compressor.  The pressure kept building, ready to explode, which sadly, I did a few times.

By now you’ve probably figured out what I was doing wrong.  What had changed from when I approached this difficult part of my journey?  You’re absolutely right.  I forgot to talk to the One who could make a difference.  I’d stopped talking to God.  Now, let me say that during this time I did pray, but I’d pray, get up off my knees, (figuratively speaking) dust myself off and think, “there that was a good one”, thinking that one conversation should do it.  I’d then walk away and wonder why nothing was changing.

One day about 3 months before I received an offer from the company for whom I currently work, I realized my error.  So daily I’d life up my concerns to God, I’d thank God for what I had been given and ask for direction and guidance.  It took a week or more for me to start to find that calmness and peace I first experienced walking along this path.

A month later, my son and I were at a chain outdoor store and I was approached by a salesman.  He was there trying to get people to visit a resort in which you could buy time shares.  When he started his rehearsed speech, I laughed a bit and told him that while I was sure it was a lovely facility, in my current career and financial situation he’d be better off finding someone else to approach.  He kindly asked what I did and after I told him, he directed me to a company.  Long story short, the company he mentioned is the one with whom I now continue to work.

My point here isn’t that God will give you everything you ask for, because He doesn’t.  My point is that I began having regular conversations with my Father, and in those conversations I found more than a job.  I found a friend to talk with. I found peace and comfort in love only God can provide, and with that peace, my vision was clear, my hearing sharp and my heart open to the opportunities placed within my path.

You’d think that with the results I saw I’d be down on my knees several times each and every day but that’s not the case.  I seem to wander away as I did before, dusting my hands off, walking away like I was done.  Now, I’m better than I used to be and hope to do better tomorrow than I did today.

I guess how I’ve started to look at it is this way.  I don’t stop by or dial the number of a friend or family member only when I’m in trouble.  There are many more times that I call to check on them and celebrate the good times.  Why shouldn’t I take a few minutes to check in with God?  It can be as simple as Thank you God for today, thank you for__________   (You fill in the blank) to as complex as life may be.  The key is not forgetting who you should call!

Love Shining Brightly

7a202a1aLove Shining Brightly

This is something I struggle with a great deal and that’s exhibiting patience AND love consistently to the people in my life.  I don’t just mean family and friends, but also toward those outside that small circle.  I’m talking about the person who has 24 items in the 20 or less express lane or the person driving down the highway that cuts me off.

Instead of just smiling in a frustrating situation, I have tended to lash out, not in a physical manner but lash out still the same.  What I found was I don’t feel any better after my tirade than before I started.   That got me to thinking about a passage I’d read and heard countless times before.

John 4:7-8

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

I think without exception, we have all know love of some kind, but what I don’t think is that we display love consistently throughout our lives. I know this is true in my case.  I mentioned earlier that I struggle in situations to demonstrate love with patience, so what I’ve done is try to include a request to God that He provide me with the same patience He’s shown me.  By asking for God’s help openly I’ve done 2 things.  First, shared with Him one of my many weaknesses and secondly, made myself conscious of that weakness so that with His help I can be a more loving and therefore a better representative of His love.

Examine yourself, and the way you react to people and situations.  Is there something you need help with that might allow you to show people the love the God has shown you?  Once you’ve identified something, remember to include it in your prayers throughout the day and in no time you’ll find yourself shining brightly with His love.

Desperate Faith

Desperate Faith

Ever had a situation or a time in your life you just couldn’t explain?  A feeling that there was someone with you, protecting or directing you?  Maybe it was that something had dramatically changed, but you’re not quite sure what had happened.  I think if you look in your life you can find a time where this is applicable.

If you’ve read through some of the pages here you’ve read my story.  I was truly at one of the lowest points in my life and it’s at that point when I needed Him the most, He stepped in and picked me up.  The more I think about that day, the one thing that resonates more than anything is that I had finally stripped away all of my human pride, really all earthly things, so that the only thing left was faith.  Desperate faith.

Desperate faith?  If you think about those 2 words – especially together – they seem to contradict, but if you look a bit deeper, you know exactly what it meant to me in this situation.  I had a reckless need to be removed from the situation I was in or to have the situation change.  Once I had the faith stripped of the earthly games of the mind, a belief , no a knowledge that it was my Father, our Father God was the only One who could do it.

Since that night I’ve found myself in countless situations where I’ve stripped myself and looked to Him as a child looks to their parent – vulnerable, confused and scared.  I’ve not always gotten what I asked for, but I’ve never failed to get what I needed and that includes a heart and mind that has increasingly and more willingly let go of my fears and pride as a man.  I look to Him – to my Father, knowing He’s there form me.  He’ll be there for you; it just may take a little desperate faith.

Pray with me:  Father, I know what I want but You know what I need.   I trust you will be with me, guide me, You will never leave me.  Let my eyes open to see Your way.  Amen.

Standard Operating Procedure

traffic_jamStandard Operating Procedure

Oh, the joys of commuting. Today’s drive in was interesting! On my travels north, I discovered that there wasn’t one, but two different accidents within a mile of each other.  Along the same stretch of highway, there are a couple of points of entrance. Traffic was backed up more than 3 miles by the time I reached that point in my commute.

The joys of stop and go traffic were only magnified by the truck I’d let over in front of me. It was pulling a boat, and no one wanted give him enough room to get over. What I discovered was that either he’d failed to connect the trailer lights, or the time the lights had spent in the water had affected their functionality. Not only was I dealing with stop and go traffic, but now I had to guess when to go and when to stop.

Thankfully in life we need not guess – we have been given guidelines. John Wesley summed up most of his teachings with this: “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”

Imagine a world in which the S.O.P (standard operating procedure) was as simple as that. “Gracious and loving God, thank You for all that You’ve done for me, even though ‘thank you’ isn’t enough. Give me the courage and grace to put these words into action today. Amen”

Money Talks?

20150530_183702Money Talks?

Recently I had a conversation with a friend of mine. During that conversation, he was trying to convince me to work for him. He was going to be out of town on business and needed someone to fill in.

I was quite honored at the thought that he would think of me, that he would consider me to be capable of even trying to cover for him. Unfortunately, I’d already made a commitment to be somewhere else that weekend and shared with him the situation. Jokingly, he said I needed to go where the money was because, “Money talks and everything else walks!” Knowing him, I knew he wasn’t serious. It was just a way to have a laugh and transition from that part of the conversation.

Now it’s not the first time I’d heard that phrase used – heck, I’m sure I’ve personally used it a number of time throughout my life – but for some reason when he said it, a different picture came to mind and while I knew he wasn’t serious, my first response was almost:

Matthew 6: 19-21

“Stop collecting treasures for your own benefit on earth, where moth and rust eat them and where thieves break in and steal them. Instead, collect treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moth and rust don’t eat them and where thieves don’t break in and steal them. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

That applies, but it wasn’t my first thought. My first thought was actually of some of the special times that I’ve had the opportunity to share with my son and with my wife. In the last week, I had a couple of those moments.

I decided to take a day off of work just to hang out with my son. We ran a few errands and went to the gym. This is a new process for us both, and our interactions and conversations were closer to being two adults rather than a dad and his son. While it’s hard to believe how much he’s grown, the idea that he’s becoming a good person, a good man, is very rewarding.

Over the weekend, my wife and I were able to get a couple of days away to refresh and get “back into step” with one another. We spent one afternoon exploring the countryside and were able to see some of God’s most beautiful handiwork.

In both cases, I had a choice – let the money talk and worry about what the world had to offer, or spend a few hours making memories and storing those treasures in my heart. Jesus said that where your treasures are, there too, is your heart.  Well, taking the time with them this weekend, I found some of my treasure and it filled my heart.

Work is necessary, and I get that.  Being a fan of a particular team or  following a sport or TV show isn’t a bad thing, but don’t let the trappings of this world get you so caught up that you forget what really matters. Take some time with your spouse, child, or a close friend and rediscover that treasure He’s given to you. “Loving God, thank You for a small glimpse of Your kingdom through the love You’ve put into my life. Amen”

Shine Bright

star[1]Shine Bright

I have a friend I met during my short stent of insurance sales.  We actually worked together for a couple of different companies.  We’d both been laid off and had struggle to find a job that would make ends meet, we somewhat enjoyed, and we felt relatively safe day to day.

Over the course of the 2 ½ years we worked together, we’d talk about this prospect or that job lead.  We discussed our wives, our kids, and how our inability to secure a good-paying job was impacting those who were close to us.  We were, and are, each blessed with loving, supporting wives who try to bolster our egos to help us get through another day of no-shows and rejections.

He too, is a man of faith and struggled with where we were and wondered why he was going through such struggles.  “I do everything I’m supposed to do; I fall on my knees nightly and pray.  Pray not for myself and my needs but for the needs of others.”  He’d go on to say, “I go to Mass either Saturday night or Sunday depending on our schedule” and he’d even started going through the week.  Why is God putting me through this, he’d ask.   We’d then go on to agree with the age old adage, that God will never put more on you than you can handle.

Our discussion would usually wind up in a philosophical agreement that the Lord took care of the Israelites while in the desert.  He would provide for them what they needed when they needed it and in a lot of respects that’s exactly what the Lord was doing for us.

I realized that I’ve not talked with him in a month or so, and in that thought reflected on those conversations and it dawned on me. The difficulties have served to give us an opportunity to show to the world just how amazing He is.

These difficult times have given us the tools to deal with adversity and it’s those tools we can use to help ourselves and others during adversity.   We must remember that these tools are a gift from Him and we must always let other know of His generosity.

Perspective, both in the struggles we will face day to day, or possibly week to week.   It’s not as bad as it was and we made it through that time, or when we faced this before we overcame it by…  It also allows us to understand the situation others are in and have some idea of the emotions involved in that situation.  We can use these times to remind ourselves and others of His mercy.

There are many other examples and I could go on and on, but I think it is best defined this way, “In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven”  Matthew 5:16

Don’t hide from the difficulties of the day but embrace them.  Seek His guidance and mercy and shine so that the whole world may praise God.

He Really Does

Man-at-crossHe really does!

On the way to work the other day, I was listening to the radio and they were talking about an interview in 2013 of Maya Angelou done by Oprah Winfrey.  At one point Maya was talking about a time when she was reading to her mentor (the name of both the mentor and book escape me right now), but she recalled one line that she read:

“God loves me.”

He had her read it again

“God loves me”

and again:

“God loves me”

She then, like only she could, poetically and from the soul, said, “He does, the one who created the rivers and the trees, loves ME!”

The host allowed for a few moments of silence and then tried to put into words how inspired he felt by that exchange.  I didn’t listen, but instead turned off the radio and started to ponder that very statement.  Audibly I said it…God loves me….God loves me… and then I drove in silence for the next 15 or 20 minutes contemplating that statement.  With tears filling my eyes from the shear amazement of His love, I said it again…God LOVES ME!!!

Find some time today to say it out loud over and over again and then consider that statement.  Please don’t just say it and then pass over it.  Say it, mean it, know it.  God does love me and God does love you……what an amazing gift…


hiding-under-the-coversOh Lord why me? Why now? Why today?

Have you ever asked this question whether it’s first thing in the morning when you’re dreading the day ahead of you or maybe as you’re going through something like this at work?  Rarely do I have this feeling, but today I woke up wanting to pull the covers over my head and hide.  As a guy, you won’t find many who will admit to this feeling but it does happen.  That feeling that something was going to absolutely fall apart and you’ll be left holding the shards of your day.

I have to imagine Judas of Iscariot must have felt that way the morning before his infamous kiss of betrayal.  Imagine waking up knowing that history is written. You’ve been given the task to not only turn your back on a man you’ve followed, believed in, spoken His words, but now you must identify him – knowing  that He will face torture and certain death.   In the end, Judas cannot face his actions and his remedy is far from ideal.

What I faced the other day cannot compare to the decisions facing him, and the outcome of my choices during the day will certainly not have the same effect on a friend, family member, or co-worker yet that does not change my thoughts.  It does not minimize my fear from what I might face.  Judas followed through with his plan, truly God’s plan.  He however, could not face the decisions that he made.  There is nothing we cannot face in our daily lives with a little help.  Some days it comes readily and others we must extend our hand up and or out and ask.

So today and every day before you pull the covers down, or up over your head start your day with this:

Lord, I don’t know what today holds for me but today I need Your help.  I reach out my hand for Yours to guide me and lead me along the path You’ve set for me to follow..  Amen


Answers imageAnswers

Isaiah 55: 8-9  My plans aren’t your plans, nor are your ways my ways says the Lord.  Just as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my plans than your plans.

I will be one of the first to say that we must rely on God for all things, yet there are situations that we can’t control without a thought of, or prayer to, God.  Now if you’re able to say that’s not you, there’s 1 of 2 things going on – either your faith and reliance on our maker is absolute and should be an example to friends and family, or you are lying to yourself and those around you.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve felt like I must make a decision now or face grave consequences for myself or for others.  In fact, I pride myself on my ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently.  So when I was faced with a grave medical issue for one of my very close family members, it was difficult.  I’m very proud to say that I prayed as much during that time as I have at any other time in my life.  My prayers were for her and my family, but focused mainly on her.  I asked God to heal her, knowing that He has that power.  I wanted her out of the hospital and back the way she was just a few days before celebrating Christmas.

During the time I was praying, I also thought about things quite a bit and I began to feel selfish.  I was asking for her to return to a life that found her struggling both physically and mentally because of other health issues.  I just didn’t want to face walking in for a visit and not  finding her in her chair with a smile on her face.

As I struggle with this situation, I read or heard something (I’m not sure which) and  began to realize that my prayer would only be selfish if I held on to the concept of earthly recovery and tried to confine God with the humanistic definition of healing.  This has had me contemplating not just this situation, but the overall idea of prayer and the very narrow view we have during our conversations with Him.

We think of our immediate needs, what we can see, what we think we need and want, and focus so intently on that “brass ring” that we fail to see there are alternatives to the situation – some of which we’d never come up with.  We try to squeeze God into a tiny chute directing Him toward the solution we’ve determined best for the situation – forgetting that He is all powerful, the creator of everything, and His power is limitless.

As we kneel, bow our head and/or clasp our hands in prayer, let us remember His immense power, His loving nature and the gift of grace granted us all.  “Father, I know what I’m asking but I don’t know what Your answer will be, give me the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it and the heart and wisdom to accept it. Amen”


dreamstime_4473313hello-my-name-iscroppedI was on my way home from a particularly stressful day.  From the moment my alarm went off through the point I’d gotten into my truck at the end of the day, things were just off.   My words were coming out with a bit of an edge even though that’s not how they were intended.  Things I touched wound up being like an all-white 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle or felt like jittery Jello-like soap that flew through my fingers.

Needless to say, I was feeling bad for how I’d reacted to things and feeling beat down.  About a third of the way into my trip, a song made famous by Matthew West came on.  The radio wasn’t up too loud, so the first few measures of the intro were soft but I recognized the song and turned it up.  I managed to turn it up as the he started the first lyric…”Hello, my name is Regret, I’m pretty sure we have met…”  It goes on to say…”I’m the whisper inside that won’t let you forget”.

The song managed to capture the entire experience of the day with “Hello, my name is Defeat…Just when you think you can win, I’ll drag you right back down again, ‘til you’ve lost all belief”

Yep, that was the day I was having!  By the time I was done beating myself up over what I’d said and done, I was so down I’d have had to climb up on a stepstool to look someone in the shoes laces. If the song had only these lines I wouldn’t have been surprised, but it didn’t.  It went on to remind me that I am a child of the one true King, saved, changed and set free.

The apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 3:26-27  “You are all God’s children through faith in Christ Jesus.  All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”

Weeds in the Garden

DSC03846Weeds in the Garden

Psalm 46: 1-3 God is our refuge and strength, a help always near in times of great trouble. That’s why we won’t be afraid when the world falls apart, when the mountains crumble into the center of the sea, when its waters roar and rage, when the mountains shake because of its surging waves.

Last weekend was unseasonably warm for February.  It was nice enough that I was able to enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee out on the back deck Saturday morning.  As I was sitting there, I was looking at the small patch I’d cleared last year to plant a couple of tomato plants.

I’m not much of a gardener, even though I love fresh vegetables.  I have nightmares of weeding my folks’ garden, which was well over an acre.  I could, and would, spend entire days with a hoe in my hands chopping weeds, or if they were too close to the plant, pulling them. It seemed like I’d get to the end of a row, turn around and there would be a few pests popping back up.

Thinking about those weeds got me to thinking about a conversation I’d been a part of with a friend several years ago – long before I was an official card-carrying Christian. I believed, but I’d yet to accept Jesus Christ as my savior, and further, I’d yet to be washed by the water. Anyway, he was sharing with me some of the things that had gone on in the last 18 months of his life.

He shared the agonizing loss of his wife due to cancer. And because of the physical stress and demands of caring for her, he’d suffered some major health issues as well. In addition, he’d lost his job and really had no income to support himself or their kids. As he described what had been going on, I couldn’t help but be amazed at the smile on his face and the light and life in his eyes. I point blank asked him, “Are you ok? You sit there describing what could be considered the most horrific 18-months a person could endure and yet you continue to smile.

His response, “I have my Lord!” and then went on to paraphrase the passage above. He admitted that he’d not been perfect – there were plenty of times he began thinking about everything that was, or had gone on – and he would get scared and be fearful for what might come next. Then he’d remember that the Lord is his refuge, and a calm would come over him like no other.

Fear can be like those weeds, popping up over and over again and unless you actively work at it, they’ll overtake your life like weeds will the garden. As you can tell by my attitude at the beginning, I’m still not one to weed or hoe a garden, but I do weed my life. I’ve experienced some times that at best were not easy and left me fearful for what may come next. As I’d face the situation, I’d weed that fear out of my life, knowing God is my safe spot. Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me, I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light.”

I’d like to say that I diligently work in my garden, but there are times that I’ll miss a day or two.  I might even just sit there and let the weeds grow taller and jeopardize the work that I’ve done, but eventually I humble myself and ask for help. If you feel as though your life is overgrown with “weeds”, do a little weeding and lift up you concerns to Him. “Father God, you are my safe spot – my refuge, clear my garden of the weeds. Amen”

The Right Start

The Right Start

I just realized something.  Well actually a couple of things, so bear with me as I ramble a bit.  The first thing I noticed is that over the last few months I’ve spent some time praying in the morning, (meaning I did listen to the sermons of a pastor who was at our church until recently).  One of the things he taught was that we should be in prayer daily.  That’s nothing new, but he consciously encouraged us to actively pray every day.  I’ll have to make sure I share that with him, I’m sure he’ll get a laugh out of it.

Secondly, I’ve noticed that the format, or maybe more the content, of my morning prayer really does impact my day.  Let me share my findings.  Over the last few months there have been issues which have been heavy on my heart.  Concerns over friends’ health, worry about the relationships of family members, and the direction certain members of my immediate family are headed, and their success in daily life.

There have been days where that morning prayer time has been focused solely on those heavy subjects.  They’re important and God does need to know about them through my voice and my heart.

Other days, I’ve focused on thanking God for the abundance He’s given me.  The love shared by family and friends, the ability to provide food and shelter for myself and my wife and son.  The money, time and skills to help those less fortunate than I.  For His intervention into a situation or resolution of a difficult time.  Basically, a time giving God praise for His amazing love and grace that He shows me every day.  I will ask specifically for intervention into a difficult situation, but it is not by any stretch the focus of my conversation with God.

In both scenarios, I spend a couple of minutes asking for His guidance and protection for family, friends, church leaders, and the leaders of the city, country and the nations of the world.

Now, the days where I focus only on the difficulties or simply forget this morning time with God, those day seems to drag, and I lack a certain energy to traverse the day.  In other words, those concerns are a drain on me.

The days where I take time to thank God for all that He’s done and given me, there’s a certain pep to my step.  I’m more energetic and see most situations in a much more positive light.

I think this part of Paul’s letter to the Christian church in the city of Philippi sums up the idea I’m trying to express

Philippians 4: 4-9 4 Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad! 5 Let your gentleness show in your treatment of all people. The Lord is near. 6 Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. 7 Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus. 8 From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise. 9 Practice these things: whatever you learned, received, heard, or saw in us. The God of peace will be with you.

By starting a day with a thankful heart, it gives you appreciation of what you DO have rather than a focus of what you don’t or what you need and/or want.  I’ve decided that my days will start with giving thanks.   I’d ask that you give this a try as well.  See how things go for just 30-days.  Initially it’ll be very difficult, but as each day passes, you’ll find it easier.  By the end of that time, I think you’ll find it comes much easier and I suspect that your days will wind up being just a bit more positive.  I’d even wager that there’s a lot more for which to be thankful than you could ever imagine.

Start today and let me know how it goes.

The Great Escape

thEU2C92VIThe Great Escape

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people. But God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities. Instead, with the temptation, God will also supply a way out so that you will be able to endure it.

 I was out on Facebook the other day, and one of my friends posted “I’m not going to ask what else could go wrong!” I had to laugh – clearly he was at what he thought was his limit. I don’t think there’s one of us who hasn’t been through that at one point or another in our lives. In fact I suspect that we’ve encountered “enough” multiple times.

It’s funny though, just when you think you’ve reached your breaking point and one more thing will push you over the edge, something changes. It could be that the situation totally resolves itself. Magically, you’re picked up and transported to a tropical island (in my case a gorgeous mountain stream overflowing with trout). Maybe you get a call from a friend, or a few friends, who tell you that you’ve been on their mind lately and they just wanted to check on you. No matter – the situation changes, and that’s the escape talked about here.

The word ‘temptation’ is used in the translation I prefer reading, but if you prefer some other translations, use the word ‘trial’. (which in this case means ‘test’ and I think that fits better). You will be tested from time to time – your faith, your beliefs, your dependency on Him. The thing is, in those tests, He also knows your abilities. He knows your tensile strength (the amount of pressure you can take before you break) and He will keep you just under that point. Plus, with each test, you grow stronger.

Now when I first started thinking about this whole situation, I was scared. I thought, “Wait, so with each test I grow strong in my abilities which means that the next test will be …” (you see where I’m going).  However, that means my relationship with Him has grown stronger and I am better able to not only help myself, but help others as they may struggle under the strain.

I don’t look forward to the next trial, but I know when it comes, He has strengthened me. “Father, I may face difficult times, but I believe Your promise of rest and relief. Let me find the strength and courage through You to endure this trial.”

Lost in the Storm

hurricane3Lost in the Storm

John 20:26-27  After eight days his disciples were again in a house and Thomas was with them.  Even though the doors were locked, Jesus entered and stood among them.  He said, “Peace be with you.”  Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here.  Look at my hands.  Put your hand into my side.  No more disbelief.  Believe!”

It’s so easy to question something that’s not right there in front of us – or a concept that’s new.  I can remember a time that unless you could show me that it was going to work, I didn’t believe you – and in fact, even if I saw it working, I questioned if there wasn’t some gimmick powering it behind the scenes.  I’ve been told I had a bad attitude or that I was a doubting Thomas.

If this is you at any level, the idea of faith in God is a concept that’s harder to grab a hold of than a wet bar of soap in a hurricane.  Each time you mind begins to settle in around and embrace it, it pops up and the wind blows it down the path a bit further.  This has been something I’ve struggled with for a great deal of my adult life.

As I read the passage from John, I realize that I’m not the only one that has experienced this (oh, I knew it before reading that – there are very few of us, if any, who haven’t had a doubt at one point or another).  Thomas was around for some amazing God moments, yet he still doubted the power of God through Jesus Christ.

Earlier, I used the analogy of grabbing a bar of soap in a hurricane.   If you think about some of the difficult times you’ve gone through, it could be said they were like storms blowing through your life and the soap is your faith.  If we don’t focus on keeping a hold of our faith in the worst of storms, it’ll just pop right out of our hands and be caught by the storm.  “Father, I am so weak at times and I doubt You.  In those times of weakness, give me courage and strength to life my eyes to You and believe. Amen”

I Held His Hand

14370230182_6139f55618_zI Held His Hand

Isaiah 41:13 I am the Lord your God, who grasps your strong hand, who says to you, Don’t fear; I will help you.

I’ve struggled to put down onto paper (well paper of sorts) how deeply I was touched by a very special woman in my life who recently passed away. I only met her a little over 4 years ago in 2010 – joining her family when I married her granddaughter that same year.

She accepted me right into the family as her grandson, and we had some wonderful conversations about her work for a local landmark company and how she met her husband. We’d talk about her brothers and her mom. At times the stories would lag – seems like those memories were filed deep in her mind and accessing them took a little effort.

We’d also get onto the subject of what I was doing for a living and where I was. I didn’t share with her that sales were difficult, or that as I collected money in the rougher parts of the city, I (and my wife) had some concerns about my safety. She’d never really say much about it, but I could tell she was a bit concerned – not just about my ability to take care of her granddaughter, but also about me.

At some point during these conversations, she’d reach out her hand and I’d take it.  I’d comment about how cold it was, and she’d laugh and then hold tight as we continued our conversation. Reassurance would fill my heart, and by the end of the conversation, I knew all would be fine at some point.

As we prepared to celebrate her life, I had an opportunity to look back on how she impacted my life, and realized that I was holding His hand as I held hers. I am so very thankful for our conversations and the wisdom and love shared – even in silence.   Father God, thank you for the time I had with Grandmom and the love she shared from her heart and from You. Amen”

Each and Every Day

p-wl-02Each and Every Day

Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever you are capable of doing, do with all your might because there’s no work, thought, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave, which is where you are headed.

Listening to a local talk radio host about recent events had me thinking, and quite frankly, it was sufficiently moving that I pulled off to the side of the road and contemplated and prayed about a few things.

How many times have you heard the phrase “you know, life is too short…” ?  I wish I had a dollar (used to be a dime or quarter but with inflation…) every time that phrase escaped my lips – let alone the times I’ve heard it. It is especially profound when attending a funeral. I guess the realization of death brings this idea to the forefront.

Here’s the thing, that phrase couldn’t be more right. Life on this earth is way too short. Too short to continue in the job that drains the life out of you every day! Too short to continue to simply exist in a marriage that lost its luster and love a half dozen years ago! I’m not telling you to quit your job and travel like you’ve always dreamed – there are still responsibilities to support yourself and your family. Likewise, I’m not telling you to file for a divorce on Monday – there was love and a sparkle and it’s time to start working to bring that back.

I remember a conversation with a friend at church. He was working a full time job, 45+ hours a week. On top of that, he was trying to keep up with a side business that he’d started a few years ago. As we were talking, he mentioned a couple of things:  first, he was tired between the 2 jobs because he had little time for rest or relaxation, and secondly, he expressed some frustration at not having time for his wife or kids. I looked at him and asked him if he “needed” to work both jobs, to which he responded that he didn’t – between what he made from his primary job and his wife’s income they were quite comfortable – it’s just that he wanted to…I cut him off and said, “wanted to miss a trip to the zoo with the family? Holding your wife’s hand or sharing time as a family?”  He shook his head, and I think at least a part of him realized, “you know life is too short!”

What I am saying is, life IS short so accept where you are, set goals, make changes and the next time you hear “you know, life is too short” you can respond with, “Life IS short and that’s why I’m living each and every day.” As a new year approaches, think about some things that matter to you – things that you want to do that you’re putting off because you don’t have the time or don’t know how to do them. Make yourself a goal and start to live each day with all you have, that’s what He wants.

“Father, our life here on earth is a gift from You! Each day is a new package wrapped and ready for us to open. Never let me take that present for granted. Amen”

He Will Bring Us Goodness and Light

leg-lampHe Will Bring Us Goodness and Light

Isaiah 9:6   A child is born to us, a son is given to us and authority will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace

I have a few favorite movies, and this time of year I have the opportunity to see one of them.  “A Christmas Story” is so real-life, (ok, it maybe exaggerated a bit) but I don’t think there are many of us that don’t remember things exactly as seen in the movie at some point during Christmas.

There are a few scenes that really stand out, but by far for me, when the lamp is unwrapped and proudly displayed, I will literally laugh out loud and I know that some day I will too display a “leg lamp” in my rec room.  But as great as that lamp is, and as bright as that light shines, it can never compare to the love unveiled to us this time of year.

Our heavenly Father came to us in the flesh. He came to teach, to love and to eventually give His life for us. It all starts with that babe in a manger, weak, afraid and of the same flesh as we each have.

As we spend time with family and friends, remember how this amazing story began. Just as the great news spread across the land, you too, can bring peace to the earth by spreading that news today. If you’re reading this and you’ve not yet accepted Jesus as your Savior, bend a knee or bow your head. Look up to the heavens or simply as you’re sitting there, confess your sins to Him, ask for forgiveness and invite Jesus to come into your life and into your heart.

Merry Christmas to you all,

Rob, Jenny and Ray

Do You Know What I Know?

MQC00451Do You Know What I Know?

Luke 2: 15-17     When the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go right now to Bethlehem and see what’s happened. Let’s confirm what the Lord has revealed to us.” They went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. When they saw this, they reported what they had been told about this child.

So the animals sensed it, and the Lamb came to tell the shepherds. The shepherds heard and saw it and could not contain the news and went out to tell of the birth.

In the song, it is a shepherd boy who tells the king of the arrival of Jesus. It makes for a classic song, but truly is that what happened. Imagine as an adult going to a king to tell him this news. I don’t know about you, but I have to think I’d struggle to get the words out – well maybe not – but I know I’d be nervous. Now, imagine a child telling someone that a lamb told him of this birth and moreover, that he must give him gold and silver. There’s no way!

That all said, let’s go with the shepherd boy explaining the birth of Jesus and telling the king that he should give the baby his silver and gold. These elements were as highly regarded then as they are today. What’s being said here is that we should give God our very best. In worship, our very best praise – hands raised and voices loud. Hearts focused and our minds undistracted.   Our very best of the harvest through our tithes and offerings.

We should go out and give our very best in our community – sharing His love through our actions. Share the amazing gift through our testimony, our words. Just to do our very best each and every day of our lives (to the best of our ability that day) keeping God in the forefront of our lives.

I pray that you remember God’s amazing gift during this season and share the news to the best of your ability. Go to someone today and ask, “Do you know what I know?!”

Do You Hear What I Hear?

angels-and-shepherdsDo You Hear What I Hear?

Luke 2:10  The angel said, “Don’t be afraid!  Look!  I bring good news to you – wonderful, joyous new for all people.

I remember watching a few shows as a kid where the “star” was an animal.  In a couple, it was dogs, and in another, it was a dolphin. They’d wind up finding some kind of trouble where they needed a child (their owner or trainer) to help extricate the victim from the difficulty of the week.  Somehow those animals, through barking or jumping, would manage to communicate with their human counterpart the gravity of the situation.

I’d watch these shows on the edge of my seat – intently staring at the screen – looking away only long enough to find my dog and wonder or wish he’d somehow become the hero I saw on the screen.  Sadly, I never did rescue anyone on a broken down boat or pull someone out of a well.

In the Christmas classic; “Do You Hear What I Hear?”, there’s the line “Do you hear what I hear?, said the lamb to the shepherd boy”.  Biblically speaking, angels actually proclaimed the good news to the shepherds, but the symbolism of the lamb talking to a child isn’t lost.  Christ is often referred to as the Lamb, and we as followers, are referred to as children.  So what we have here is God incarnate talking to His people to announce His arrival on the earth.

God reveals His presence every day. The problem is, we’re just not listening.  As we approach the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, let us never loose sight of the many wonders revealing His presence.  “Let me hear You Father, Amen”

Do You See What I See?

star-of-bethlehemDo You See What I See?

Matthew 2:2   They asked, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?  We’ve seen his star in the east, and we’ve come to honor him.”

I have a friend who has long said that you could tell how much snow was going to fall for a predicted event by the number of hawks you see in the 12 hours prior to the storm.  The more hawks, the more snow.  His theory has proven out as long as I can remember him talking about it.  This isn’t the only proven theory of animals sensing an upcoming “event”.  There are dogs that can sense a seizure coming on in its owner, or cats that predict earthquakes.  I can generally figure out the intensity of a storm by the reaction of cows in a field and/or birds in a tree.

I’m not, by any stretch of the imagination, an animal behaviorist, but it’s clear that an animal (both wild and domesticated) can sense much more than most of us.  Think about when you’ve gone to visit a neighbor and their dog is going crazy, or the reaction of your dog when you come home after work.  Now imagine the excitement if it could sense that the Creator was about to return – can you imagine the buzz in the air? Can you imagine the little lamb, heart racing, probably breathing quickly.  It couldn’t stand still and then to see a star high in the sky with a huge tail announcing the birth of the King.

In these days leading up to the birth, be open to all that’s going on around.  There is evidence of God and His love all around, signs of His great gift and unselfish grace surrounding us every day. “Father, open my mind and every sense You’ve given me so that I might see and rejoice at Jesus’ birth.  Amen”

Is It Christmas Yet?

8ca3868f3154bb09e843216f6112ee7cIs It Christmas Yet?

Luke 1:41  When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

I’m quite certain most, if not all, of us have experienced the anticipation of Christmas through the eyes and lives of a child. As days get crossed off a calendar, or doors opened on an Advent calendar, the excitement builds.

My son, now 15, plays it pretty cool, but every once in a while I can still see that spark of Christmas anticipation twinkle in his eye.  When he was a little man, we’d play this game every Christmas Eve night of “I’m thirsty”, “I’ve got to go to the bathroom”.  He would fight the urge to go to sleep, in hopes of catching a glimpse of Ole’ Saint Nick sliding down the chimney (ok, walking through the door) to deliver packages.  There were times he’d almost be visibly vibrating with excitement and there were times I thought he’d bounce right out of the bed as excited as he was. I too, can remember almost being sick I was so excited for Christmas morning – and I’m sure each of you have similar stories.

The funny thing is, that excitement didn’t start with us.  It didn’t start 4 or 5 generations ago.  It began over 2000 years ago.  John the Baptist could sense, even in his mother’s womb, the amazing gift that would soon be coming.  As Christmas approaches, we too should be filled with excitement as we  remember the birth of the Savior, born to die for each and every one of us and our sins.  “What an amazing gift, thank You Father.  Thank You, thank You thank You!!! Amen.”

Speak Easy

Speak Easy

In the 1920’s, speak easies were much more common than anyone realized.  Likely part of the reason they weren’t as known as they could have been is because of the secrecy that surrounded them.  Countless people worked in this commercial enterprise to support the good time joints, delivering supplies, running the front of the house – even making the booze that was served.

Here’s the thing – no matter what their role, unless they owned the place, they couldn’t get in if they didn’t know the password.  Didn’t matter if the guy at the front door was your next door neighbor, if you didn’t know the word or phrase, you could only imagine how much fun was going on inside.

If you think about it getting into our Father’s heavenly house is similar.  Ephesians 2: 8 – 9 says: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast

Imagine if confronted by God and He asks, “why should you enter My house”, how would you answer?  Maybe something like: “Well, I faithfully tithed every week and attended service every time I could.  I was a good father or mother; I was always good to others.  Oh and I went on that mission trip to Africa, helping all those children.”  That’s a wonderful life spent helping others and supporting the trip, but His answer would be “I’m sorry but that’s not the right answer”.

The correct response is along the lines, “I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  He died for my sins upon the cross and it is through His sacrifice, by Your grace that I may enter”.

Over the next few days consider, have I truly accept Jesus Christ as my Lord, my Savior?  If the answer is no, please take a few moments and pray.  It’s as simple as…God, I am a lost child, a sinner imperfect.  I’ve made so many mistakes ,but I know I am forgiven.  Father, I open my mind and my heart and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and as my Savior.   I know because of Your grace I am forgiven and accepted as one of Your children.

An Invitation


An Invitation

Luke 14:23 The master said to the servant, ‘Go to the highways and back alleys and urge people to come in so that my house will be filled.’

They sat in the booth – the restaurant was crowded.  People were laughing and talking, and several people as they left, stopped by the booth behind the couple and talked with an older man and his wife.  Each time as the groups walked away from the booth, they had a smile on their face and acknowledged that they’d see each other in a couple of days.

The couple talked a bit about their plans for the evening, and for the weekend.  They talked about the people who were stopping by the booth behind them and wondered what was going on in a couple of days.  They were new in town and hadn’t seen or read about anything happening.  They shrugged their shoulders and ate their meal in relative silence.

The next morning, he was up early and left to run a couple of errands.  Again, he heard people talking about how they’d see each other tomorrow.  He was really confused, and at one of the stores he asked the clerk what was going on tomorrow.  She replied, “Christmas Eve”.  The man said, “Well, where’s everyone going?” and she replied, “to church” and rushed him along to help the next person.  While he was out, his wife ran into a neighbor and she asked about the interactions she’d witnessed last night.  She got a similar response.

The sun came up on a brisk day the following morning.  The wind wasn’t blowing, but the cold that had moved in from the North was still very evident.  As the morning progressed, the couple talked briefly about Christmas and what they were going to do.  Neither could come up with something to do.  Family and friends were now a day’s drive away, so going home was out of the question.  They watched a couple of movies, but began to get a bit stir-crazy.  They decided to take a walk.

As they strolled, bundled against the cold air, the faint sound of a choir became more evident.  Soon they could hear an organ playing from another direction, and yet from another direction they heard some bells.  They came upon a brick building.  They could hear some laughing and then singing coming from the building.  As they got closer, they looked through one of the windows.

Fresh green garland decorated the pews.  A tree lit up in white lights and gold and silver ribbon stood at one end.  There was a warmth visible in the room. Now maybe it was the candles, but I suspect it was something much greater.

How can we keep secret the amazing gift given us by the Father?  Who are we to hide it within and not share?  I think back to some of the conversations I’ve had with folks I attend service with, and wonder if maybe I’ve missed this couple.  Let’s all go to the highways and back alleys and invite people to come so that His holy house is full.  “Father, I cast my fears away and ask for courage to step up and step out to spread the wonderful news of Your Son.  Amen”