All posts by robandjenny

Distorted Hearing

leave-me-alone-i-know-what-i-m-doing-8[1]Distorted Hearing

Proverbs 12:1 – Those who love discipline love knowledge and those who hate correction are stupid

I think back to my youth, well actually mid-to-late teens.  I’ll tell you what, I am shocked I didn’t win the Nobel Prize in each category yearly.  I knew that much – or at least I thought I did.

After dad passed, I grew up quickly and in my mind, I was much more mature and had a great deal more knowledge than what my mom gave me credit.  She would make suggestions on a course I should take, and I’d puff up and tell her (in no uncertain terms) that I knew exactly what I was doing and would proceed down that road only to find potholes and umm… dead ends.  I sure did make some really stupid mistakes. Sadly, I find myself even today doing the same thing – maybe not to the extent I did back then, but on occasion, my pride gets in the way of my hearing.

Now, I don’t think I am the first teenager to go through this, nor do I think I’ll be the last.  Further, I suspect that I’m not the only one who still experiences pride-distorted hearing.  The thing is, if we close ourselves off to suggestions and corrections of others, we are in no way showing His love and openness to one another.  This goes further though – if we close ourselves off, we may very well be closing ourselves off to the very voice of God speaking through others.

It can be a difficult thing to let go of our pride and admit we may be wrong, but the other options seem to be more difficult to accept.  “Father, remove my pride and allow me to hear others, allow me to hear You. Amen

Alone In a Roomful

alone-in-a-crowd-268x300[1]Alone In a Roomful

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t fear, because I am with you; don’t be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.

I’m quite sure most of you can relate to this at some level – some more readily than others. I was talking to a friend a couple of nights ago and we got on the topic of the holidays. He talked about the excitement of the holidays and the time spent with family and friends. We moaned a bit about scheduling time for our wives, family, school, church, shopping and all the decorations, but then he went on to say it is in this time of year that he feels most alone.

I asked how could that be? While both his parents have been gone for some time, he has a wife, a child, and in-laws that treat him truly as a member of the family. He couldn’t put a finger on why.  Maybe it was the busy schedule and the scurrying everywhere that prevented the opportunity for him to have the long relaxed interactions that he needed, or maybe it was because he didn’t have a place he could go to celebrate some of the traditions he remembered as a child.

He went on to talk about the only way he really got through the season was through consistent conversation with God. He said that his “prayers” in no way resembled anything you find in church. It was just that – a conversation – talking about his day, the activities, recalling past times with his family, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying, but most importantly, always trying to listen.

I have to admit that the holiday blues creep up on me sometimes, and for reasons I can’t explain. I listened to him that night and took to heart his plan to not only survive the season, but to really enjoy it. Whether you’ve got something creeping up on you or not, find some time to talk with Him, it is always time well spent.

Yeah, I Know!

listening-dog-croppedYeah, I Know!

Proverbs 26:12    Do you see people who consider themselves wise? There is more hope for a fool than for them.

I had the opportunity to have a front row seat to a conversation between a a teenage girl and her mother. They were discussing a project the young lady was attempting to complete for school. The mother made a recommendation on the best way to complete the task and the girl snapped back “I know!”.

At first I was outraged at how the girl spoke to her parent, but there were a few other emotions that quickly bounced into my head. I was embarrassed, because I could still look back and hear a similar conversation with my mom, and then I was amused because I knew what the outcome would be – similar to what mine was, similar to some of the outcomes I’ve seen my teenage son go through. After a few seconds of contemplation, I walked past and quietly reassured the mother that her daughter will learn, we all did – and do.

It can be a very monumental task to be given domain over a project at work, school, or church. The success or failure of the project is squarely on your shoulders. The human side comes out, and thoughts of success and your reputation come into the picture. An agenda is developed – your agenda – and before you know it, God’s plans are forgotten.  Your plans have grown out of control to the point that when He does try to give you direction through friends, family, or other church members, you can no longer hear His voice.

When given a responsibility, remember it is God who has entrusted you with its completion. It is God who has the ultimate plan for its success or failure. Never find yourself so wise you can’t hear His voice from even the tiniest of mouths.

“Father, it is so easy to forget it is You who directs us all. Never let me loose sight of You and if I do, I pray that I hear Your voice to guide me back to Your plan. Amen”

A Day of Fishing

jaredinrainA Day of Fishing

“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot” Steven Wright

I can’t tell you the times I’ve stood on the shore and thought myself an idiot for fishing in the rain, cold, or several hours of blazing hot sun. I can remember this one time that I faced all three throughout the day.

A couple of my friends and I had gone down to the river and grabbed a couple of campsites so that Saturday morning we’d be ready to go at the break of dawn. They’d called for some rain overnight but it didn’t wind up moving in until just about the time we were getting up and dressed. After a brief discussion, we decided to head on out – it wasn’t that bad, all things considered.

We drove down to the lake, donned our rain gear, and started to walk out on the shore and casting out. With each cast, the wind seemed to pick up a bit, the rain grew a little harder, and any flaws in the “rain proof” gear became much more evident. Within 30 minutes, we’d not had but maybe 4 nibbles among us.  We were soaked and the wind had a biting chill.   I was about to make the suggestion that we should find a warmer and much dryer spot when the rain slowed and then stopped.

It didn’t take long for it to go from a rain-chilled sunrise to an ever increasingly steamy morning. By noon, the cold rain from the morning would have been a refreshing break. We’d had a little luck, but I was quite sure there wasn’t going to be a big enough catch to avoid going to the local grocery store. We finally gave in after a long day of Missouri weather and fish more stubborn than we were.

That night, sitting around the fire, we talked about our adventure. We all agreed that to many we surely looked like idiots – and maybe we were – but then again…In life, aren’t there times that we feel like idiots – whether it’s spending the day fishing, or blindly believing in our heavenly Father?

You’re not being honest if you cannot admit that there have been times where you question His existence. That you think, or even say, “I don’t know why I bother…..if only I could hear Him or see Him.” The apostle Thomas was one who required proof, and in John 20:29 Jesus said to him in their final interaction “Do you believe because you see me? Happy are those who don’t see and yet believe.”

There are times when we sit around the “campfire” that we can feel foolish for blindly following Him when we can’t see Him, hear Him or touch Him… or can we? I think we can – in the love shared by a friend, the lovingly wise words given us by a child, or by the embrace of a brother or sister at church. It is easy to let those doubts drive us from His grace, but He is with us each and every day. In the most difficult times we must somehow find a way to hold on tighter. “Father I believe. I believe, I do believe…Amen.”

Forget the Last or You’ll Miss the Next

thNFWYHFXSForget the Last or You’ll Miss the Next

Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand up to pray, if you have something against anyone forgive so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your wrongdoings.

As I reel in anticipation, I feel a slight tug and then another and the rod tip bends a bit. I pull up on the rod to set the hook and begin to reel in what, from every indication, is the biggest catch of the day – if not the season.

Over the next 2 or 3 minutes I let it take a little line, then reel it in a bit. I honestly think I have something big enough that my wife will someday let me put it up on the wall of my man cave (by the way, I hate that phrase, the entire house is mine and my wife’s, so to say I have a cave, well, anyway).

All of a sudden, I feel something a bit different, my rod tip levels out and there’s no tension on my life. The biggest fish (in my mind) I’ve ever hooked into is gone! I reel in my line, and sure enough, nothing – nothing but my lure.  Somehow, I must not have set that hook right and now I’m totally frustrated at myself.  Looking out into the water trying to see the fish and mumbling under my breath, I look at the lure. It’s fine and the knot’s fine.  Dang IT!

Still irritated at myself and mumbling, I cast out to almost the exact spot as the previous cast. As I begin to reel, I stare at the spot where it got off.  Slam! Another strike, but I miss it.  What’s going on? So I quickly reel in and BAM another one, but I miss it too.  By now I’m ready to jump in after them. My hands are shaking a bit, and my focus is torn between what’s happened before and what’s going on now.  Needless to say, while I had some great hits, I didn’t have a successful trip.

If you think about it, there are a lot of things that go like that. I am far from a perfect man and even farther away from being a perfect husband.  There have been times that what’s gone on at work has impacted my relationship with my wife.  I remember a time, not long ago, the drive home from work hadn’t gone very well.  I’d gotten cut off, causing me to run onto the shoulder.  Tired from a busy day at work and what had just happened, I was not in a good mood when I got home.  My wife, not knowing what happened, hit me with a question; I don’t even remember what it was about.  That was it – I snapped off an answer and immediately I knew I’d hurt her feelings.

I tried to apologize, but my frame of mind and tone did not sound apologetic, let alone sincere. You see, I’d not let go of the long day at work or the incident on the way home.  How can I ask for forgiveness until I’ve set my mind right and forgiven those who may have done something to me?  You see, just like when I was out fishing, my focus was torn and not truly on the situation in front of me.  My energy was more on what had happened than what was currently happening. It’s time to move on – forgive and be forgiven.  “Father, help me to move on, to forgive, and as I do, forgive me. Amen”

A Friday Afternoon

securedownloadA Friday Afternoon

Ephesians 5:15-16   So be careful to live your life wisely, not foolishly. Take advantage of every opportunity because these are evil times

It was a warm September day, about 2:05 pm and I heard the TV change over and a familiar voice fill the air. Harry Caray was giving the line-up as the Cubs took the field at Wrigley.

I finished making a glass of tea, grabbed another drink, walked to the living room and handed it to my mom. She wasn’t a huge baseball fan, but she could relate with Harry, and while Harry could drive me crazy, I loved (and still do) the Cubs.  It was a way Mom and I could share some time together making a memory that now, 18 years later, still makes me smile.  We didn’t have a chance to share a moment like this again but it is one that I’ll always cherish.

Recently, because of some things that have happened to some people near me and things going on in my life, I’ve come to once again realize that time is so precious and goes by so fast.   With this realization and re-focus, I will look at things a bit differently.   What’s your focus in life?  Is it the things or is it the people?

Father, open my eyes to the things that matter – my spouse, my children, my family, my friends and most importantly Father, You.  Amen”

It’s Not Fair

Lifes-Not-Fair-PhotoIt’s Not Fair

I overheard a conversation while I was waiting in line the other day and it made me think a bit. It was a husband and wife talking about an experience at work.  He was talking about someone at his office, “Every day she comes in just a few minutes before 9 in a huff making sure we all know she’s there.  She sets her purse and everything down – all but dropping them.  She goes off about how this driver wouldn’t get out of her way, or that person wouldn’t do this…  then she goes and get her breakfast from the cafeteria.”

Sounding quite frustrated, he continued, “She claims to work through her lunch, but right at noon she heads to the cafeteria again. She grabs her lunch and brings it back to her desk, where she proceeds to have her lunch with a couple of girlfriends laughing and discussing their children and husbands.  After about an hour of them at the table, she will finally get back to work.  She’ll put in a couple of more hours, but she easily is out of the office by 4:30 every day.  I just don’t get how she can get away with it!  I work my rear off, I’m early every day and usually give them 10-15 minutes extra each day.  Still, she’s treated just as well as I am, and I know based on her comments, her pay and raises are just as good as what mine are.”

I think we’ve all experienced this inequity, or perceived inequity. It can absolutely eat you alive.  Why is it some people seem to get the same (or more) even though you work just as hard and do all the right things?  It’s not a problem that’s new to this generation, decade, or even millennium.

“…These who were hired last worked one hour, and they received the same pay as we did even though we had to work the whole day in the hot sun” Matthew 20:12

I can’t tell you how many times I heard it growing up, and I’m sure, if asked, my son would say the same thing – Life is not fair! We can react in a couple of ways to this. We can let it work us up and spend countless hours and energy focused on, and complaining about it, or we can accept it (a little complaint is fine now and again) and enjoy and cherish what we do have.  Here’s an example – I think it would be amazing to have 2 brand new cars, a new house and money to go wherever I want, but honestly, having my son and my wife doing whatever (except stripping wallpaper), wherever, is a much greater gift to me.

Today, really focus and be thankful for what you DO have. God has given us all so very much to be thankful.  “Father, open my eyes to the gifts in my life and let me be thankful and filled with joy. Let all those around me hear me praise You!  Amen” 


body-language-blunder-2-cross-armsDo I HAVE To?

Luke 22:41-42       He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and prayed. He said, “Faher, if it’s Your will, take this cup of suffering away from me.  However, not my will but Your will must be done.”

How many of us have had a spouse, parent or loved one say something like “Hey we need help at…” and your first reaction is to cringe, avoid eye contact and quickly come up with a reason not to get involved?

I’m typing this part one-handed because I’m raising my hand as high as I can and thinking yep, I’ve done it and yep, I’ve seen it. At least once a month, our church will ask for volunteers for one of many missions out into the community.  A lot of the time, it’s only a one-time thing for maybe an hour or 2 on a Saturday.  I look over at my wife and one of will say, “I don’t care”, or “do we have anything scheduled?”.  The funny thing is, most of the time, (with the exception of marching band season and an occasional work event) we really don’t have anything planned, yet we so very rarely put our names down to volunteer.

On the rare occasion that we do commit to something, and it’s time to go, we, (ok I) hem and haw, then complain about not wanting to do it and just making myself miserable.  I’ve not backed out, but I’ve come up with some doozy excuses.  Thankfully, Jesus had a better spirit about the task set before him. Imagine how different life would be if instead of accepting it, he knelt down and said “You know I’ve been thinking about this whole crucifixion thing, and I’m not feeling so good – not to mention there’s a heck of a party going on, and I’m not going to make it.”

The sacrifices we make to help others can never be what He made for us on that cross, but we each can make a difference in a life. All we have to do is acknowledge that little voice in the back of our heads the next time we’re asked to help out and submit to His will. “Father, let us hear Your voice, understand Your will and let us act and not run. Amen”

My Father My Friend

sitting-on-a-dock-brothaMy Father My Friend

John 15:15  I don’t call you servants any longer, because servants don’t know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because everything I heard from my Father I have made known to you.

I suppose I’m lucky, while as I’ve explained at least once before I’m fairly young in my formal Christian life, it was clear from a very young age that there was a Creator, God who looked down upon us. He was there to have a conversation, although my early teachers made it seem as though it should be a very formal style of communication.

As I grew older, I found myself moving away from those teachers, but I still found some time to have a conversation with God. Those talks strayed far away from that formality I’d been taught.  I can remember times that I’d have something hanging over me and I’d grab a big soda and head out for a drive.  I’d talk to Him about work, friends, life and even girls.  Anything and everything was fair game on one of those drives.  It’s during that time I realized God was more than the Creator – He was and He is – my friend.

I’ve not always cultivated that friendship, and in fact, I’d say I’ve probably expected a bit too much and taken advantage of that relationship from time to time. I’ll be honest, for a time I walked away from my friend.  Oh I knew He was there and I even checked in now and again, but I stopped having the conversations only one friend could have with another.

Looking at my life, I can’t imagine Him not being there then, now, or going forward. My Father, my Friend, is with me no matter what.  He’s there to listen to my aimless ramblings or to help solve a mystery of life.

Instead of ending this with a short prayer, I’m going to ask that sometime today, when you’re by yourself, you have a conversation with God just like you would a friend. Talk to Him about your day, your kids, and spouse – whatever is on your mind

He Wore Shorts to Church!?

jcrew-shortsHe wore shorts to church!?

I can only imagine the reaction if our pastor stood in front of the congregation in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops.  I would wager a guess there’d be more than one person leaning over and whispering in outrage “he wore SHORTS to church!”  I’m also pretty sure that the reaction would change little in most churches today.

Now imagine if a stranger walked in front door Sunday, maybe a bit road weary, a face that’s not seen a razor in a few days maybe weeks, dust and dirt from the road covering his hair and clothes.  How would he be received, not how should he be received but just how would he be received?

I suspect that there might be a couple of people who’d come up to shake his hand and welcome him, but just as before there’d probably be even more people leaning over and whispering.   Yet if you think about it, Jesus would have been that man 2000 years ago; he would have been “unkept” even considered “dirty”.  Who are we to judge simply on appearance?  I’m not saying the next homeless person you see is Jesus, likely they are not, but what if it were?

A little story, one day when I was working as an insurance agent out in the field, I was having a bad day, a bad week,…let’s face it I wasn’t enjoying my work at all.  Not only was it not what I wanted to be doing, but what I was doing wasn’t truly keeping my family fed or a roof over their heads.  That day was filled with prayers and questions.  Finally in a bit of sarcasm I said, “God, I know I’m not supposed to ask but I can’t figure out Your plan for me, why am I here?  What am I supposed to be doing?  Please give me some kind of answer.”  I went on to say, “You gave Moses a burning bush, why can’t You give me a burning bush too?!”

As I worked through my day, I was brought to an apartment complex.  In the front entry there were some seats and it wasn’t uncommon for people to be chatting there with friends.  This day as I walked in there was an older gentleman.  He wasn’t well kept and quite honestly, the smell coming off of him was pretty overwhelming but as I walked in I said “hi” as most would in passing.  He smiled and said hello.  There was still so much life in that man but it was hidden.  I mentioned something about the weather and we began to talk.  We talked about sports, family and suddenly he looked at me and said “trust that you are headed in the right direction, He has a plan for you”.  I smiled and said thank you telling him that I had been questioning that grand plan today.  He smiled again and simply said “Trust in Him!”

I thanked him and let him know I had an appointment upstairs.  I signed in at the security desk, right next to where this conversation had taken place. I went up for my appointment but found that no one was home.

I’d been upstairs not more than 10 minutes, plenty of time to consider over and over again my conversation with the gentleman.  I decided I wanted to tell him thank you again.  I got downstairs and signed out and asked the security guard where the older gentlemen that I had talked with was.  Security told me that there had not been anyone sitting where I’d pointed all day.

I looked around the building for a bit but to no avail.  I had a few clients in that building, so I was there a couple of times a week but never saw this man again.

God gave me that burning bush, but instead of leaves branches and flames He’d sent me a man, man with His words, assurance and yes even comfort for that particular stretch of my journey.  If I’d just walked past this man, not engaged him in conversation, I’d never had a glimpse of God’s amazing wisdom.  As you walk along the path don’t turn away from the shorts and flip flops…don’t let the dirt and unshaven face keep you from Him today.

I Want…

willywonka-13 (2) tumblr_m5a6eolQlV1rrycbpo1_1280 (3)tumblr_m5a6eolQlV1rrycbpo1_1280 (4)I Want…

Philippians 4:19   My God will meet your every need out of his riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus.

I was at the store earlier this week and seemed to follow a couple and their pre-school aged child down each aisle. As I did, I had the opportunity to see the interaction between the child and the parents.

We’d not made it out of the produce section when I heard “Mommy, I want some grapes!”. In the cart went grapes. Next we were going past the deli and “Daddy I want cheese!” A few passes of the slicer later and in flopped a package of cheese. Down the soda isle, yet another demand. Next chips and another demand, they looked at the child and then each other. I heard the father say “I don’t think you need those”. The tears started and I heard a little voice say, “You don’t love me?” The parents tried to explain that it wasn’t that they didn’t love them but that there were many snacks already in the cart – plus what they had at home.

As a parent, it’s difficult not to give your child everything they ask for and think they need, if you’re capable of giving it to them.  But as a parent, you also know you must do what is best for the child and usually ‘everything’ isn’t the best. As the child matures, they grow to understand the difference between a want and a need.

I suspect our relationship with our heavenly father is very similar. I can remember times I’d go to Him and ask for everything – thinking I needed it, when really, it was simply something I wanted. And when I didn’t get it, I’d start to question if He was with me and if He still loved me.

As I’ve grown older, wiser, and my relationship with God has deepened, I’ve come to see the difference. It doesn’t mean I still don’t ask for an “Xbox-one” now and again. No, I still ask, (I’m still a child in this relationship) but as I mature, I understand more and more that everything I want isn’t always everything I need.

“Father God, I am Your child and I’m going to ask You for things I think I need. Help me to understand that I don’t always need what I ask for and You will always provide me with the things I truly need. Amen”



Proverbs 15:23    To give an appropriate answer is a joy; how good is a word at the right time!

It’s been a few summers ago.  I woke up well before the sun had broken the horizon. I was awake and didn’t want to hang out around the house. I made up my mind I was going to head down to the lake for the day to do a little fishing.

I was excited – I went out to the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee while I threw on some clothes and grabbed my gear. I walked out to the kitchen, only to find that the coffee pot had puked grounds and coffee all over the counter. Something obviously either wasn’t in the right place or it was clogged. I didn’t let it phase me, I just cleaned up the mess and decided to stop by a convenience store on the way out. I was going to stop anyway, because I needed ice and some gas for my Jeep.

I made my stop and I was headed south, music playing loud and thoughts of crappie danced in my head. I got about 20 miles south, only to find that construction had the road down to 2 lanes. Not a big deal, I’m still making good time, the sun was barely visible. Then, out of nowhere, well actually from the driveway of the old farm house, comes a tractor and a truck with its flasher on, they’d pulled out in front of me!  Hitting the brakes and screaming in my head (or maybe actually out loud), “there is not another person within a mile behind me!”, I continued on my way.

Still I’m headed south, making time – just much, MUCH slower. It’s ok, I’m headed fishing. For the next 7 miles, at no more than 15mph, I followed a green tractor and a mid 80’s pickup truck. The sun was a bit higher in the sky when they finally turned, but I was still excited and now could get back up to highway speed. I only had about 30 miles to go.

I get to the lake, find a spot to park, grab my pole, my tackle box, bait and head the lake. First case, I snag a stick just below the water. I cast a couple of more times and snag the log to which the stick was attached. After tying on another hook and baiting it, I attempt to cast out again, only to find that there was huge bird’s nest (for those that don’t fish, imagine a bunch of string in a huge tangle) in my open-face reel.

I’m now officially discouraged – no I’m mad, ding dang it – I just wanted to fish a bit and look how this has turned out!  Anyway, I’m cleaning out the reel and notice a squirrel chattering on a branch maybe 50 feet from me. I can’t see what it’s yelling at, but it did catch my attention. All of a sudden, a second squirrel comes running down the branch. The first squirrel, startled, jumps in the air but instead of landing on the branch, it falls into the water. As it’s falling it’s spread out like it’s trying to grab the air to stop itself. The 2nd squirrel is looking down and chattering, I’d say laughing, because I know I was.

After I dried my tears, I realized God had given me a laugh and the peace I’d been looking for. I cleared out the reel and finally got back to fishing and had a great day.

God puts the right word in our lives – it may be a co-worker, a spouse, your child, a song, or even a squirrel grasping for air, but it’s there. Who knows, you might even be a squirrel for someone today.

“Father, thank you for our friends and family who bring joy into our lives each day. They are a wonderful gift of love from You. Amen”

A Guided Tour

tour-south-dakotaA Guided Tour

Proverbs 16:9   People plan their path, but the Lord secures their steps.

I can remember a few times when I’ve gone on vacation where I’ve not been responsible for transportation. Either we’ve hopped on a train to go from one point or another, or I’ve enjoyed a bus tour of an area.

Specifically, I can remember going to South Dakota one summer. I’d done some research and found a company that would pick us up at the hotel and shuttle us to several different locations such as Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Badlands.  That day was absolutely one of the most amazing days I’ve spent.

I could simply look out the window and enjoy the scenery – I didn’t have to worry about directions or parking. The fees covered admission.  It was so relaxing.

A friend and I were talking about life and the plans that God has for us. We agreed that it is very difficult to give up the control and let God take the reins.  That conversation made me think about the bus tour I enjoyed, and I realized that during the times that I’d given up control and relied on God, I’ve had a chance to look out the window and enjoy the scenery.

It’s not always clear where He’s leading us – quite frankly there are times it’s not clear that He’s even with us –  but He’s not ever left our side. When there’s a time where the directions aren’t clear and you don’t know where or which way to turn – give it to Him.  To whom better could you turn over the tour?

“Father, I’m going to turn over my life to you.  I may grab it back from time to time, but please be patient with me. I know you’ll never leave my side.  Amen”

My Tummy Hurts

Stomach Ache in children 2My Tummy Hurts

John 3:30 He must increase and I must decrease

It’s been some time since my son has told me, “Daddy, my tummy hurts.”, but when I’d hear this phrase, I’d go through a series of questions to decide if maybe he’d eaten something that isn’t agreeing with him, been around a friend who was sick, or maybe trying to avoid a lesson or test. Then again, there were times that it’s just that he didn’t feel well and he need a little comforting and tender loving care to nurse him back to health.

I think we’ve all had a day where we just don’t feel our best – or maybe the day’s just a bit off-kilter. I can tell you I’ve run into a few days like that were my “tummy hurt”. Looking back, it’s not until later that I’ve realized it was on those days that maybe I’d tried to make it more about me rather than making it more about Father God.

Maybe I forgot to say good morning and thank Him for the day, or maybe forgot to spent a few moments in prayer or thank Him for the cup of coffee I held in my hand. In reality, what I did was make Him less a part of my day rather than more. It doesn’t take long to get me squared back up once I’ve come to that realization. While I don’t tell him my “tummy hurts”, I will take a little time in His loving embrace to be nursed back to health.

If you’re having one of those days, stop and take a moment to rest and tell Him, “Father, I am sorry. I need you in my life. I need Your comfort and love. Let me make my day more about You and less about me. Amen”

That Bobber Hasn’t Moved

200494937-001  That Bobber Hasn’t Moved

Daniel 10: 12-14 Then the man said to me, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel, because from the day you first set your mind to understand things and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I’ve come because of your words!  For twenty-one days the leader of the Persian kingdom blocked my way. But then Michael, one of the highest leaders, came to help me. I left Michael there with the leader of the Persian kingdom. But I’ve come to help you understand what will happen to your people in the future, because there is another vision concerning that time.”

One of the tools a fisherman can use is called a bobber. The ones I grew up on are white and red plastic balls that have a spring loaded hook on either end that you run your line through. The name pretty well defines its use – it floats on the water and bobs with the waves until a fish takes the bate. The in an exhilarating moment, that bobber is no longer floating, but dragged under the water.

Now when you’re fishing with a bobber, you don’t cast nearly as often, but depending on the currents, winds and age (kids get bored and love to real in the line and cast out again) you’ll have to cast every 5 to 10 minutes to reposition your bait.

I can remember this summer going out one early evening, the wind was blowing a bit, and the current was moving from my left to right, which made it necessary to reel in and cast out again about every 4 or 5 minutes. I’d been out there over 2 hours and not a nibble.  That bobber was sitting proudly on top of the water. During that time, I’d probably cast out 20 or 30 times. Patiently I waited and watched and then all of a sudden, I saw the bobber move a bit! I got ready and it went under – finally, the bait I’d been casting had worked.

Just like that bobber and the bait underneath, we must continue to cast our prayers to God. Remember, there are fish in that lake even if your bobber isn’t moving.  And like that bobber, just because your prayers aren’t answered as soon as they’re spoken doesn’t mean God hasn’t heard them.

“Father I lift up my prayers to you, knowing that while there may not be an immediate response, You hear them. Give me patience. Amen”

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad…

pig and big bad wolfWho’s Afraid of the Big Bad…

Hebrews 13:6 This is why we can confidently say – The Lord is my helper and I won’t be afraid.  What can people do to me?

I hope “wolf” came to your mind when you ended the above title. If you think about that classic children’s story, those little pigs are in a bad way and honestly, they have every reason to be scared.  If I had a hunter like the wolf on my trail, I think I’d be a bit nervous.  It wasn’t until they found protection of brick that they could finally rest and feel safe.

You know, sometimes it can feel like we have a wolf on our tails – whether it be because you’re not getting along with your best friend and/or spouse, or maybe it’s the bills and you’re a bit behind.  Could it be something at work or with your children?

No matter the single or combined cause, we’ve all had a time in our lives where it feels as though that wolf is breathing down your back and you just need to find refuge – a house made of bricks with a sturdy door to hide behind.

God can be that refuge – that brick house and sturdy door – and we all have a key. Find a quiet spot and simply go to Him in prayer.  Ask Him for help to bring peace into your life, and safety from those things that you fear.  Then you too can sing, “Who’s afraid of the big bad…”

Share with us your fears, your concerns. We will pray for, and with, you.




Proverbs 13:1   A wise son listens to the discipline of his father, but a mocker doesn’t listen to correction.

I heard a pastor on the radio use this verse to build an entire sermon on how children should respect their parents. I’ve heard good Christian folk pull this one out of their back pocket during difficult times.  But, let’s break this verse down.

The wise son listens to the discipline of his father. First, I think we can exchange ‘smart’ for wise, remove son and insert ‘child’.  Now, when you first look at it, it’s pretty easy to point at this and say, “see look, if you want to be smart, you must listen to what I have to say”.  But if you stop and really think about what it’s saying, that finger should quickly start pointing back to you.  We are all God’s children and He gives us wonderful direction (discipline) in His book and in our day-to-day lives. Problem is, we may not always be listening.

Now the second part, but a mocker doesn’t listen to correction.  Mocker isn’t a word we use very often.  We might say Johnny is mocking Sue, but were not going to go to Johnny and call him a mocker, so let’s change it to trash-talker.   If you apply this as I did above, to a discussion with your child, that pointing finger is flying up quick, but you better stop it before it gets all the way up because you’re going to wind up pointing at yourself.  We’ve all been around someone who tends to degrade, make fun of, or simply dismisses what we say – a trash-talker.

So if we put it back together and change it up to fit with today’s conversations, it might sound something like… The smart or intelligent child (you me and everyone) listens to the Father about the changes we should make because if we don’t, then we’ll wind up being trash-talkers.

Hmmmm…it’s funny, if you think about it and the conversations you’ve had with God, they are eerily similar to ones we’ve had with our own children or parents. How easy is it to turn off God and not listen to His gentle course corrections? And where does that put us?  Not ‘smart’ because we wind up being the trash-talker.  Thankfully, our heavenly Father is forgiving, loving, understanding and full of grace.    All it takes is “Father, I’m sorry I’ve not listened, but I will start now. Give me open ears and an open heart to hear you.  Amen”

A Lantern

snow_lantern-wideA Lantern

Matthew 5:16   In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.

Torches, lanterns and flashlights have all been used to light man’s way throughout history. I’ve used a campfire or a Coleman lantern more times than I can count to find my way to my tent or the bathroom.  Funny thing is, I’d never stopped to consider how important that light is in my journey.

Just about as often as I’ve used a flashlight to find my way, I’ve used the lanterns God has put into my life to get back on the path. I’ve been so fortunate to have some absolutely amazing men and women come into my life to direct me and guide me through some of life’s greatest struggles.

One of those lanterns was extinguished in the last week, and I realized that I never did say thank you for the light he shared with me. Through his examples as a father and husband, by his faith and belief in the One Great Architect of the universe, and through his presence in my life with a warm smile and a strong and supportive hand in friendship and brotherly love, he lit my path.

He, as well as all those who have lighted my path in past, will be missed. I am eternally grateful for role they had in shaping the man that I am. I thank my Father for putting them along my path so that even when I get lost I can find my way back to Him.  Finally, I pray this “Father, let me be a lantern shining brightly so that others might see their path to You and all the good You do. Amen!”

Not Batting a Thousand


Not Batting a Thousand

James 3:2 We all make mistakes often, but those who don’t make mistakes with their word has reached full maturity.  Like a bridled horse, they can control themselves entirely.

Full maturity – what an amazing goal to set for ourselves! But today, I want to talk about the first 5 words of this verse. We all make mistakes OFTEN!

Today at work seems to be one of those days where OFTEN is coming much more frequently than I’d like. It seems that every time I turn around I’m finding something that I forgot to do or someone is pointing out something that I missed.  It’s led to me feeling very discouraged.

I was listening to sports talk radio and they started going through the lineup for the baseball playoffs tonight where the Kansas City Royals will be facing the Oakland A’s. I realized there wasn’t a single player in the starting lineup hitting .800 – not even 1 hitting above .500.  In fact, there is just a handful even hitting over .300.  Out of over 50 players in tonight’s game, there was only a few players who would reach base 1/3 of the time.

This knowledge boosted my confidence a bit, and then I read this verse and realized that being perfect, never making a mistake, is an amazing goal.  I must continually work and strive to possibly someday reach this level but until then – I must recognize that I’m going to make mistakes. Further, I must learn from the mistakes I make each and every day.  Today was filled with lessons that I am thankful and excited to learn.

You too, are going to face days filled with mistakes. Are you going to be open to learn the lessons He has put before you?

Simple Man

il_570xN_373794483_q08mSimple Man

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t fear, because I am with you; don’t be afraid, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.

One of my favorite songs is “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I think it means so much to me because it’s a summary of several conversations I had with my mom as a young man.

In the song, it goes over a number of things that the mother has found through experience will lend themselves to a happy and productive life for her son. It talks about not living life too fast so that you can appreciate each day.  She tells him to find love and not to focus on riches because what he truly needs is within him, in his soul.  Throughout the song, she tells him to just be simple, “something you love and understand”.  The one thing I take from the song is the reminder that there is someone above.

If you are familiar with this band at all, you’ll know this southern rock and roll band is filled with members whose lives are chronicled to be filled with alcohol, drugs and women. Yet, from them we have this reminder. There IS someone up above, and if you listen to the song, you can probably hear a mother talking to her son, maybe a conversation one of them had with their own mother.

I’m not going to judge their choices or their lives – I have enough to carry regarding my own – but I will say that when I hear the song, it reminds me of a time when Mom was trying to help me make the right choices in my life.  It grounds me to where I came from and what’s truly important in my life.   I’m sure if you look back, you can find a reminder in your life to bring you back to where you’re suppose to be.  “Father God, help me each day to remember You have never left me, You’re always there. Amen”

The Morning Star

The Morning Star

2 Peter 1:19   And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, 

Revelation 22:16  “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

I received a few pictures by text the other day.  It was a panoramic view of a crystal blue sky with mountains in the background.  They were from someone who has been going through a very rough time – relationship issues, difficulties in a job transfer.  I, along with a few others who had received those pictures, exchanged a few thoughts – mine was that it was symbolic of a fresh start.

I think most of us have either seen that perfect morning at the end of a movie or or hopefully experienced it – little wind, fresh, clean, maybe even crisp air, and the sun warming your face.   In this case, it’s not an action movie ending where the good guy wakes up to the perfect sunrise with all the evil in the world left in a burning heap.

I do believe that perfect morning is symbolic.  You see, just like in that action movie, Jesus Christ removed, through the cross, the evil from our lives – the sin – and allows us the opportunity to be forgiven of our sins.  He was sent down upon this earth to bring us that perfect morning, to leave all of the evil in our lives behind and allow the morning sun to warm our face.

If you’ve not yet accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it’s really fairly simple.  Find a quiet place, bow your head, and have a conversation with Him about who you are, what you’ve done that probably wouldn’t make Him proud.  Ask for forgiveness and invite Him to come into your heart and into your life.

If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior, asked for forgiveness and invited Him into your life, you have an idea of what I’m referring to.  You may draw a different comparison, but the bottom line is the experience and the knowledge that you’re starting with a clean slate.   I must ask, have you shared that perfect morning with someone else?  Do you really want to hide the Son from someone else? The gift we’ve received is not for us alone but one that must be shared.

From the Mouth of a Clown


From the Mouth of A Clown

Matthew 15:11 It’s not what goes into the mouth that contaminates a person in God’s sight. It’s what comes out of the mouth that contaminates the person.

It’s festival time here in the Midwest, every small town and even some of the bigger towns around the area shut down main street or the town square to put up canvas booths filled with all sorts of things. From politicians (inset your best joke here) to hand-made crafts.  Oh, and then there’s the food.

Now I’ll admit I’m not going to win any awards for my eating habits, but I’ve started working on the idea that I should eat a bit healthier. That said, I’ll repeat it IS festival time and with that comes funnel cakes.  I don’t know what it is about a funnel cake, but I struggle to resist.

Anyway, my wife and I were walking around taking in the sites and the funnel cake when we came across this guy in a dunk tank. He was that typical obnoxious guy, dressed kind of funny and spreading insults to people as they passed by the tank.  As I approached, I saw him and he saw me as I was taking a bite of the powdered sugar covered fried dough.  I cringed to wait on the venom he was going to fling my way, and sure enough out it came.  For whatever reason it really hit me to the bone, but we continued on and as we passed him, I handed my wife the remainder of the funnel cake and told her I was done.

Later that evening when I had a little time to myself, I thought about what he’d said and I thought to myself “I can’t believe someone could say something so hurtful! I could never say anything like that.”  My thoughts moved on to some of the conversations I’ve been a part of recently.  I don’t lack in opinion and am not afraid to share those opinions.  Up until this point, I’d actually be proud of the fact that I’d speak my mind – not really sugar-coating the truth.  All at once it dawned on me, while I’ve not used phrases flung out by the clown in the dunk tank, the words and tones I had used were just as, if not more, hurtful because of the people to whom I’d spoken them.

I know I don’t always realize what’s coming out of my mouth and I’d wager that most men are the same way. I’d be pretty confident in saying further that we all wish we could somehow suck back in about 50% of what we say.  Well, we can’t, but we can be a bit more deliberate when we speak – think just a bit harder about the words and the tones we use.  Instead of trying to use our words to lift up our position and prove ourselves right, we can be a light for God and our words can lift others so that they may reach out and touch His hand.

“God, help me to not be a clown, but to be a platform and a light to guide others to Your loving embrace. Amen”

Just a Hem

Just a Hem

Mark 5:27  Because she had heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his clothes.

As I was sitting at my desk this morning, I looked down and saw the hem on my pants, and the story of this woman came to me.  It’s a story of a woman who had been sick for a number of years.  She’d spent that time seeing doctors, looking for relief, yet she continued to be sick and in fact, getting worse.

With faith in all that she’d heard, she went to see Jesus and be healed.  The crowd was so great she could do nothing but reach out and just barely touch the hem of His robe.  Instantly, she was healed.

I think of the many times I’ve had a struggle in my life.  The times I was sick – not just physically, but broken spiritually from a change or a loss in my life.  Each time I’ve reached out to Him, I’ve found relief – maybe not how I’d asked for it, but He has always been there.

What do you do when you’re feeling sick?  What has He done to heal you and heal your life?  I’d love to hear how He’s worked in your life to heal your life.  Please take a few minutes to comment and tell us your story or the story of a friend.

Recognize Success


Recognize Success

Psalm 73: 22-24  I was stupid and ignorant.  I acted like nothing but an animal toward you. But I was still always with you! You held my strong hand! You have guided me with your advice;  later you will receive me with glory.

I’ve got a friend who’s going through a difficult time with his teenager. They seem unmotivated, uninterested and quite frankly, almost disengaged.  I’ve spent quite a bit of time at their place and have had an opportunity to see a number of interactions between my friend and his child.

From everything I’ve seen, he’s a good father. He’s genuinely interested in their friends, the way they dress, hygiene, school activities and school performance.  The kid seems to be well-liked, he’s always talking with friends or hanging out with kids from school, but well, they just don’t seem to connect and don’t seem to care.

I’ve watched my buddy talk, rationalize, explain and even yell about school performance until he’s blue in the face, but nothing seems to be getting through. It was the conversation that they had last night, along with some other things by buddy had shared, it finally connected.

See if this makes sense.  Imagine if every time we didn’t do exactly what we were supposed to, or failed a life test, our heavenly Father pointed it out. Can you imagine how completely useless any effort what so ever would seem?  Why would any of us want to do anything?  Instead, our Father accepts us for who we are and provides us with gentle course corrections that keep us on the correct path.  Not only does He give us gentle nudges, but he rewards us when we’ve leaned a lesson or done something right…wait He rewards us…? He does if you open your eyes, your mind and your heart.  There are glimpse of His glorious beauty revealed. There are moments of laughter when you need it most and there are kind words and a helping hand to lift you up and dust you off.

Now back to my revelation.  As they were talking about school performance, there was a focus on what the child was failing rather than the positive things they were doing. Instead of recognizing the success, the failures were magnified.  So in my head popped this thought, what if we tried to help our kids with gentle non-judgmental nudges? Reward them for the good things they’re doing and lessons they’ve learned and offer a helping hand up and a kind word when they’ve been knocked down.  In other words, recognizing the successes rather than magnifying the failures.

Prayer: Father, there is not one of us who is perfect, I make mistakes everyday. Thank you for not pointing out all of my failures.  Help me to recognize success rather than magnify failure. Amen

A Foggy Start

securedownload[1]A Foggy Start

John 8:12 Jesus spoke to the people again, saying, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me won’t walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

As I was driving in this morning, I looked around. It was dark – not even a star visible.  The sun not yet visible on the horizon, the road in front of me was hazed with a thin veil of fog.

The sun finally began to break through the haze about half-way through my trip, and as it moved higher on the horizon, the road became easier to see and the direction I was going became clearer.

It’s like that in life as well. Without the Son, life is foggy, the road is hard to see and the direction you’re heading is not clear.  It’s not until the Son begins to shine in your life, until He is higher and more prominent, that the fog begins to lift, the path becomes better defined and you know the direction you should travel.

Today can be the day you begin clearing the fog that is covering your life’s direction and purpose, just let the Son shine on you.